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8 Dec 2024
@acidbong:envs.net@acidbong:envs.netare you asking about using emacs-overlay or Home Manager options20:38:09
@acidbong:envs.net@acidbong:envs.net* are you asking about using emacs-overlay or Home Manager options?20:38:16
@srestegosaurio:tchncs.desrestegosaurio (on tchncs.de)


@srestegosaurio:tchncs.desrestegosaurio (on tchncs.de)

I have the Emacs home-manager module enabled but the package set as the one generated from emacs-overlay with my config et all.

@acidbong:envs.net@acidbong:envs.net ah, i just don't use HM and put everything in emacsWithPackagesFromUsePackage 20:41:08
@acidbong:envs.net@acidbong:envs.netdo what you wish, i guess20:41:19
@srestegosaurio:tchncs.desrestegosaurio (on tchncs.de)

Oh, okey. I'll just mess arround and see what happens.

@acidbong:envs.net@acidbong:envs.net left the room.21:52:05
@srestegosaurio:tchncs.desrestegosaurio (on tchncs.de)

Would Emacs with native-comp build all packages specified in my config?

9 Dec 2024
In reply to @ge24z009:matrix.org
Hi everyone!

Does anyone know how to expose other programs to Emacs such that, for example, tree-sitter grammars can be built or that I am guaranteed to have the lsp-booster available to Emacs?
(I don't want do Emacs package management using Nix, just providing Emacs with all it needs)

Also does anyone here maintain a separate flake which build Emacs with everything it needs (without using Nix as Emacs package manager)?

Ty for any advice :)
Same question. GCC or something can be just installed via nix profile to enable tree-sitter grammar building. But other packages may require libraries which it is not very elegant to expose to the global environment.
@rczb:envs.netrczb I wonder whether emacs.withPackages can be utilized for this, but I don't want to dive into the code clews 02:23:28
@rczb:envs.netrczb * I wonder whether emacs.withPackages can be utilized for this, but I don't want to dive into the code clews to see 02:23:54
In reply to @srestegosaurio:tchncs.de

@acidbong:envs.net If you need calling certaing packages you could try adding them as @pkgs.name@ in your config and then passing it trhough lib.substitueAll or some cursed thing like that.

Hmm yes I will look into that.
My basic idea is that I have a flake describing my full IDE setup in a flake, but that I also don't make my Emacs depend on Nix.
I can then build that flake on any machine to get my Emacs without having to modify the global profile or anything.
The flake can also be used as an input for a home-manager config or whatever.

That is why I am looking for something like emacs.withPackages but for actual packages

In reply to @srestegosaurio:tchncs.de

@acidbong:envs.net If you need calling certaing packages you could try adding them as @pkgs.name@ in your config and then passing it trhough lib.substitueAll or some cursed thing like that.


Hmm yes I will look into that.
My basic idea is that I have a flake describing my full IDE setup in a flake, but that I also don't make my Emacs depend on Nix always..
I can then build that flake on any machine to get my Emacs without having to modify the global profile or anything.
The flake can also be used as an input for a home-manager config or whatever.

That is why I am looking for something like emacs.withPackages but for actual packages

@ge24z009:matrix.orgge24z009 *

Hmm yes I will look into that.
My basic idea is that I have a flake describing my full IDE setup in a flake, but that I also don't make my Emacs depend on Nix always..
I can then build that flake on any machine to get my Emacs without having to modify the global profile or anything.
The flake can also be used as an input for a home-manager config or whatever.

That is why I am looking for something like emacs.withPackages but for actual packages.
I will look into the lib.substituteAll for sure

@ge24z009:matrix.orgge24z009 *

Hmm yes I will look into that.
My basic idea is that I have a flake describing my full IDE setup in a flake, but that I also don't make my Emacs depend on Nix always..
I can then build that flake on any machine to get my Emacs without having to modify the global profile or anything.
The flake can also be used as an input for a home-manager config or whatever.

That is why I am looking for something like emacs.withPackages but for actual packages.
I will look into the lib.substituteAll for sure. Ty

@rczb:envs.netrczb Also, I don't know if overriding buildInputs suits for such a complex package 02:27:13
@antifuchs:asf.computerantifuchssubstituteAll is what I use too, my config sets exec-path to a list prepared according to the things made available to emacs03:15:25
@antifuchs:asf.computerantifuchsBonus, you can pretty easily write a shell script that execs another program with a PATH like emacs would see it03:16:05
11 Dec 2024
@dguibert:beeper.comdguibert joined the room.12:11:50
@magic_rb:matrix.redalder.orgmagic_rbslightly offtopic, but anyone know if there is a irc room for emacs? or a matrix one? i know there are mailing lists but id rather not get into that rabbit hole right now21:38:39
@rrix:aelf.landrrix #emacs:matrix.org come through 21:40:02
@magic_rb:matrix.redalder.orgmagic_rbthank you!21:40:36
@rrix:aelf.landrrixnp :)21:40:44
@magic_rb:matrix.redalder.orgmagic_rbthat will do, i just need to throw my elisp at someone, want to actually get better at elisp so my emacs config becomes something i can be proud even in front of other emacs people21:41:02
@rrix:aelf.landrrixboth of these rooms are quite pleasant and generally helpful21:41:07
@rrix:aelf.landrrixright on21:41:16
@rrix:aelf.landrrixme too21:41:18
12 Dec 2024
@mrtni:matrix.orgmrtni left the room.06:23:44
@mrtni:matrix.orgmrtni joined the room.06:25:05

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