
Nix Emacs

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27 Aug 2024
@ian:graham.tokyoian left the room.07:28:56
28 Aug 2024
@albttx:matrix.orgalbttx set a profile picture.09:45:19
@nbp:mozilla.orgnbp joined the room.10:32:01
@nbp:mozilla.orgnbpHas anybody any luck with lsp-mode and C++? So far I managed to configure it with clangd path and compile-commands.json generated for my project, but I am facing another issue which is that the C++ compiler wrapper are hiding the system files path from the command lines which are listed in the compile-commands.json files. As such system headers, such as valgrind are not found.10:35:02
29 Aug 2024
@abhinavpatel:matrix.orgAbhinav patel joined the room.14:11:23
@bascht:matrix.bascht.spacebascht ⚡️ left the room.19:41:57
30 Aug 2024
@artur:glasgow.social(artur 'manuel) joined the room.08:11:18
@artur:glasgow.social(artur 'manuel) Hey there! I am looking about configuring Emacs to use spacious-padding and an inconvenience I have stumbled upon is that I want an early-init.el file but it seems as if Emacs only has space for an init.el... 08:20:03
@artur:glasgow.social(artur 'manuel) Hey there! I am looking about configuring Emacs to use spacious-padding and an inconvenience I have stumbled upon is that I want an early-init.el file but it seems as if emacs-overlay only has space for an init.el... 08:20:40
@artur:glasgow.social(artur 'manuel)Why this is an issue is because I use a flake for my Emacs configuration, that is entirely dedicated to holding the package so I don't have to fish for it in an archived dotfiles repository at some point later.08:23:05
@artur:glasgow.social(artur 'manuel)* Why this is an issue is because I use a flake for my Emacs configuration, that is entirely dedicated to holding the package for my configuration so I don't have to fish for it in an archived dotfiles repository at some point later.08:23:54
@artur:glasgow.social(artur 'manuel)problem solved by actually thinking about my problem more, turns out i dont need to make it so that flake has an early-init.el08:36:27
@artur:glasgow.social(artur 'manuel)* problem solved by actually thinking about my problem more, turns out i dont need to make it so that flake has an early-init.el, just my dotfiles...08:36:43
@artur:glasgow.social(artur 'manuel)i need to stop complicating how i configure stuff lol08:36:56
@artur:glasgow.social(artur 'manuel)it was in fact, not resolved since emacs is just not loading it :^)09:01:25
@artur:glasgow.social(artur 'manuel) problem solved!
(use-package emacs
  (setq frame-resize-pixelwise t
            frame-inhibit-implied-resize t))
@artur:glasgow.social(artur 'manuel) problem solved!
(use-package emacs
  (setq frame-resize-pixelwise t
      frame-inhibit-implied-resize t))
@artur:glasgow.social(artur 'manuel) problem solved!
(use-package emacs
  (setq frame-resize-pixelwise t
        frame-inhibit-implied-resize t))
@bakunill:matrix.orgbakunill joined the room.14:31:28
In reply to @asmundesen:matrix.org
Hey, I am trying to export PDF files with TeX in Emacs and one of the things I have done is add texliveTeTeX in my extraEmacsPackages. What I have encountered is it complaining about a missing pdflatex, despite the pdflatex binary being provided by Emacs extraEmacsPackages.
I have a flake in the directory that has my TeX files and direnv brings pdflatex into scope. Would that work for you?
31 Aug 2024
@artur:glasgow.social(artur 'manuel)
In reply to @shapr:cofree.coffee
I have a flake in the directory that has my TeX files and direnv brings pdflatex into scope. Would that work for you?
Hey, I think this approach works the best now that I think about it, was actually doing this for a small bit. Cheers for the suggestion
@ian:graham.tokyoian left the room.13:47:03
@me:linj.techlinjpro tips about magit performance on nixpkgs: 1. use magit-toggle-verbose-refresh to profile 2. run git gc15:04:19
1 Sep 2024
@zzantares:matrix.org@zzantares:matrix.org removed their display name Hamlet'sPiedPlumber.19:19:33
@zzantares:matrix.org@zzantares:matrix.org left the room.19:20:00
2 Sep 2024
@frumon:matrix.orgFrumon joined the room.10:11:43
4 Sep 2024
@hastur:sigint.clubszatang changed their profile picture.15:27:24
2 Sep 2024
@minion:clicks.codes@minion:clicks.codes removed their profile picture.11:51:58
@minion:clicks.codes@minion:clicks.codes removed their display name Skyler Grey.11:52:06
@minion:clicks.codes@minion:clicks.codes left the room.11:52:15

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