
Nix Emacs

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25 Aug 2024
@asmundesen:matrix.orgArtur Manuelcheck if its on nixpkgs (in your case, it is on nixpkgs), and then add it to extraEmacsPackages00:48:55
@asmundesen:matrix.orgArtur Manueli think the codeblock already shows how you would regularly add a package00:49:33
@asmundesen:matrix.orgArtur Manuel* i think the codeblock (https://github.com/nix-community/emacs-overlay?tab=readme-ov-file#emacs-from-git-and-latest-including-pre-releases) already shows how you would regularly add a package00:51:52
@asmundesen:matrix.orgArtur Manuel* i think the codeblock [https://github.com/nix-community/emacs-overlay?tab=readme-ov-file#emacs-from-git-and-latest-including-pre-releases] already shows how you would regularly add a package00:52:47
@asmundesen:matrix.orgArtur ManuelwrapProgram caused whatever tried to compile first to fail01:41:24
@asmundesen:matrix.orgArtur Manueli genuinely do not know how i could wrap texlive with emacs lol im stumped01:42:24
@asmundesen:matrix.orgArtur Manuel* i genuinely do not know any other ways i could wrap texlive with emacs lol im stumped01:42:33
@asmundesen:matrix.orgArtur Manuelyeah my idea coffers are completely barren02:08:40
@asmundesen:matrix.orgArtur Manuelrest in peace purity, im throwing in the towel02:15:19
26 Aug 2024
@adis:blad.isadisbladisTbh I don't think that we should patch the emacs sources to point to every executable that it supports invoking in every mode02:56:14
@adis:blad.isadisbladisIt's OK to expect a user to pull in some packages into the environment02:56:29
@adis:blad.isadisbladisEmacs is already huge, and I don't want to blow up our closure even more02:56:46
@adis:blad.isadisbladisNative-comp made it grow by a few times..02:57:03
@adis:blad.isadisbladis But that's functionality that all users benefit from 02:57:27
@asmundesen:matrix.orgArtur Manuelyea thats fair, i was more aiming towards patching it myself because i needed to be able to export .pdf files03:06:03
@asmundesen:matrix.orgArtur ManuelAnd my main issue was i just didnt have the ability to do that03:06:34
@adis:blad.isadisbladisI'll usually add a tex environment to a nix-shell since I always end up customising extensions anyway03:07:22
@asmundesen:matrix.orgArtur Manuel* And my main issue was i just didnt have the ability to do that (without installing it directly into my system and needing a "surprise dependency") or attempting to embed the tex suite into emacs to make sure that i dont have get surprised by it not working because no texlive03:08:00
@adis:blad.isadisbladisAnd I don't necessarily want an everything-and-the-kitchen-sink texlive globally03:08:06
@asmundesen:matrix.orgArtur Manuel
In reply to @adis:blad.is
I'll usually add a tex environment to a nix-shell since I always end up customising extensions anyway
I'd do this but then it would make moving around systems need my own nix shell everytime i need emacss tex support or whatever have you
@asmundesen:matrix.orgArtur Manuel while trying to automate a 5 minute task in 2 days isnt really productive, it saves time once 2 weeks go by 03:11:14
@adis:blad.isadisbladis I may also not see the point in wrapping Emacs since I launch everything from within Emacs :P
So wrapping Emacs is equivalent to environment.systemPackages for me.
@asmundesen:matrix.orgArtur ManuelMore so i can just nix run on any system i please03:12:25
In reply to @asmundesen:matrix.org
More so i can just nix run on any system i please
Maybe just another layer of wrapper then?
@asmundesen:matrix.orgArtur ManuelMac (id have to make use of emacs plus in times like this) a non nixos system, wtc03:13:04
@adis:blad.isadisbladisWrap Emacs to setup PATH03:13:05
@adis:blad.isadisbladisEither that, or use home-manager03:13:27
@asmundesen:matrix.orgArtur Manuelyknow thats actually a solid idea, i could just make an emacs package and setup another wrapper03:16:20
27 Aug 2024
@poorguy:pleasemakemeri.ch@poorguy:pleasemakemeri.ch left the room.02:08:51
28 Aug 2024
@abbe:badti.meabbé changed their display name from abbe to abbé.03:28:45

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