
Nix Emacs

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24 Aug 2024
@asmundesen:matrix.orgArtur Manuel'tevs, its not too much a bother anyway (hoping)03:51:56
@asmundesen:matrix.orgArtur Manuel magic() { files=$(find -f ./ | tr "\n" " "); for i in "$files"; do echo $i; echo 'Running grep "pdflatex" $i'; grep "pdflatex" $i; if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then echo "didnt find anything here"; else echo "got one! it was $i"; fi; done; } wack function i made that made the process a ton simpler 04:16:43
@asmundesen:matrix.orgArtur Manuel magic() { files=$(find -f ./ | tr "\n" " "); for i in "$files"; do echo $i; echo 'Running \grep "pdflatex" $i\'; grep "pdflatex" $i; if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then echo "didnt find anything here"; else echo "got one! it was $i"; fi; done; } wack function i made that made the process a ton simpler 04:16:57
@asmundesen:matrix.orgArtur Manuel magic() { files=$(find -f ./ | tr "\n" " "); for i in "$files"; do echo $i; echo 'Running 'grep "pdflatex" $i"'; grep "pdflatex" $i; if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then echo "didnt find anything here"; else echo "got one! it was $i"; fi; done; } wack function i made that made the process a ton simpler 04:17:22
@asmundesen:matrix.orgArtur Manuelalright, it compiled like a charm but it still didn't find pdflatex04:49:47
@asmundesen:matrix.orgArtur Manuel
    postPatch = lib.strings.concatStrings [
	substituteInPlace 'lisp/org/ox-latex.el' \
          --replace 'pdflatex' '${texliveTeTeX}/bin/pdflatex'

	substituteInPlace 'lisp/org/ox-latex.el' \
          --replace 'xelatex' '${texliveTeTeX}/bin/xelatex'

	substituteInPlace 'lisp/org/ox-latex.el' \
          --replace 'lualatex' '${texliveTeTeX}/bin/lualatex'
In reply to @asmundesen:matrix.org
    postPatch = lib.strings.concatStrings [
	substituteInPlace 'lisp/org/ox-latex.el' \
          --replace 'pdflatex' '${texliveTeTeX}/bin/pdflatex'

	substituteInPlace 'lisp/org/ox-latex.el' \
          --replace 'xelatex' '${texliveTeTeX}/bin/xelatex'

	substituteInPlace 'lisp/org/ox-latex.el' \
          --replace 'lualatex' '${texliveTeTeX}/bin/lualatex'
Use --replace-fail, and verify that paths are actually correct once built
@adis:blad.isadisbladisAlso, I wouldn't use concatStrings04:58:25
@adis:blad.isadisbladis Use the + operator 04:58:29
@adis:blad.isadisbladis concatStrings is for when you have dynamic lists, when it's all static like this it doesn't make sense 04:59:04
@adis:blad.isadisbladisNot to the point that I'd block a review on it, just some general advice05:00:23
@asmundesen:matrix.orgArtur Manuelyknow thats fair, im always a bit of a skeptic of how you can concatenate, i know that its ++ for lists but i had no idea if it was ++ or + so i just went with the more first glance readable option05:01:23
@asmundesen:matrix.orgArtur Manuelill note that05:01:41
In reply to @asmundesen:matrix.org
yknow thats fair, im always a bit of a skeptic of how you can concatenate, i know that its ++ for lists but i had no idea if it was ++ or + so i just went with the more first glance readable option
++ for lists
+ for numbers and strings
@adis:blad.isadisbladis * https://github.com/tazjin/nix-1p?tab=readme-ov-file#operators05:02:32
@asmundesen:matrix.orgArtur Manuelill <C-d> when i need a refresher05:03:29
@asmundesen:matrix.orgArtur Manuelcheers05:03:30
@adbjesus:matrix.org@adbjesus:matrix.org left the room.15:53:45
@jpachecoxyz:matrix.orgJavier Pacheco joined the room.19:40:54
@jpachecoxyz:matrix.orgJavier Pachecohi guys, do you know how can I use overlays but keep emacs version 30?19:41:41
@jpachecoxyz:matrix.orgJavier Pachecohi19:42:00
@adis:blad.isadisbladis30 isn't released yet23:55:19
25 Aug 2024
@asmundesen:matrix.orgArtur Manuelok ive tried a bunch of different ways of patching emacs to support the pdflatex binary from nixpkgs and none of them had worked...00:19:15
@asmundesen:matrix.orgArtur Manuel
In reply to@asmundesen:matrix.org
ok ive tried a bunch of different ways of patching emacs to support the pdflatex binary from nixpkgs and none of them had worked...
https://pb.atl.tools/?b45e6b847f0c3923#AHhEcCtXaUxSeywL2CiGbxXCH2Get1QbXeA6v2PZtDjD it does patch it too is the weird bit
@asmundesen:matrix.orgArtur Manuelguess im trying the wrapProgram test00:24:28
@asmundesen:matrix.orgArtur Manuel* guess im trying the wrapProgram solution00:26:27
@sjmatrix:matrix.orgLambda Coder joined the room.00:34:06
@sjmatrix:matrix.orgLambda CoderNew nixos user, longtime emacs user. I want to add an emacs package called jinx to my configuration.nix file. I currently have a working block as shown in the quickstart section on the emacs-overlay main github page. Can someone point to or show how I'd add emacs packages? Thanks.00:40:27

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