
Nix Emacs

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1 Oct 2024
@elfahor:matrix.orgelfahor (she) joined the room.20:39:50
@elfahor:matrix.orgelfahor (she) Hey, I'm trying to figure out which emacs package to install. In nixpkgs, there are packages emacs30, emacs29, and emacsNativeComp, with the latter being Emacs 28. I'm using Doom Emacs so I can't yet use emacs30. Doom Emacs recommends Emacs 29 + native comp, and I can't figure out whether emacs29 has native compilation... 20:41:32
@mattsturg:matrix.orgMatt Sturgeon

With any of the packages, you can always use override to set specific things like withNativeComp.

So you could do, e.g:

pkgs.emacs29.override {
    withNativeComp = true;

IIRC, it defaults to enabling native comp when the package is not being cross-compiled?

@-_o:matrix.org-_o joined the room.21:03:51
@mattsturg:matrix.orgMatt Sturgeon
In reply to @mattsturg:matrix.org

Sorry if this isn't the right place, but I figured I'd ask here first:

I use a gnome wayland session, usually with the dark theme. When I run nix run nixpkgs#emacs-gtk3 I get an xwayland window with a correctly themed dark titlebar, however when I run nix run nixpkgs#emacs-gtk3 I get a native wayland window, but the titlebar is always drawn using the light theme.

Why is that, and is there a way to tell emacs to respect the light/dark desktop theme? Or at the very least explicitly set the titlebar to be dark?

Interestingly, when I use auto-dark-emacs the mode is correctly detecting changes in light/dark theme and applying that to emac's colorscheme, but the frame's titlebar remains stuck on the light theme.

Looking online, it seems others have had a similar issue when using xorg and/or xwayland, but their solutions usually involve using xprop to set _GTK_THEME_VARIANT. This won't help me on pgtk+wayland 🙁

I still haven't solved this btw.

I'm guessing pgtk on Wayland uses client side decorations while the xwayland "legacy" gtk build is using server side decorations.

Is there a way to tell Emacs to use dark/light theme for the decorations?

Looking in frame properties, I found undecorated which I could use to remove all decorations (assuming pgtk supports that), ns-appearance is used to configure dark/light mode but only works on macos 😭

Also ns-transparent-titlebar, again Darwin exclusive, allows setting decorations to match emac's background colour.

2 Oct 2024
@mattsturg:matrix.orgMatt SturgeonHere's a screenshot:11:41:29
@mattsturg:matrix.orgMatt Sturgeonimage.png
Download image.png
@rrix:aelf.landrrix I just use 'undecorated 15:59:09
@rrix:aelf.landrrixidk about gnome but on KDE there was a window manager rule to force server-side decoration that i used in concert w/ that but i just have a tiling wm again now16:00:01
@mattsturg:matrix.orgMatt SturgeonLast I checked, GNOME are passionately against supporting server-side decorations in wayland 😓16:02:08
@mattsturg:matrix.orgMatt Sturgeon Surprised I can't find anyone talking about this online. Maybe the PGTK implementation upstream needs to be extended to support the ns-appearance property that's currently only used on darwin? 16:04:05
3 Oct 2024
@zororg:matrix.orgzororg Anyone tried to build consult-omni package (https://github.com/armindarvish/consult-omni) 14:55:44
@zororg:matrix.orgzororg There is sources directory with elisp files. 14:55:59
:b emacsPackages.trivialBuild {
                  pname = "consult-omni";
                  version = "2024-09-26";
                  src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
                    owner = "armindarvish";
                    repo = "consult-omni";
                    rev = "87b5bcf0e55c01e6a4a24ae74ce691f55d1455a2";
                    hash = "sha256-x5rNTNEDLoHzIlA1y+VsQ+Y0Pa1QXbybt2rIUBJ+VtM=";
          packageRequires = with emacsPackages;[ embark consult ];
          files = ''("*.el" "sources/*")'';
@zororg:matrix.orgzororgwith this derivation also, I'm not able to see sources directory14:56:36
4 Oct 2024
@dschrempf:matrix.org@dschrempf:matrix.org left the room.07:56:01
5 Oct 2024
@7actose:matrix.org7actose set a profile picture.19:22:57
@magic_rb:matrix.redalder.orgmagic_rb changed their profile picture.22:16:50
6 Oct 2024
@sofo:matrix.org@sofo:matrix.org left the room.15:23:57
@suskeyhose:matrix.org@suskeyhose:matrix.org left the room.15:54:26
8 Oct 2024
@yisraeldov:matrix.orgyisraeldovHi all, I'm thinking of making the switch to Doom. It seems to have many sane defaults and I end up copying most of what they have anyway into my own commit. Is there a recomended way to use doom on nix ? 11:27:02
In reply to @elfahor:matrix.org
Hey, I'm trying to figure out which emacs package to install. In nixpkgs, there are packages emacs30, emacs29, and emacsNativeComp, with the latter being Emacs 28. I'm using Doom Emacs so I can't yet use emacs30. Doom Emacs recommends Emacs 29 + native comp, and I can't figure out whether emacs29 has native compilation...
I think it has nativecomp enabled by default, how did you install Doom BTW ?
9 Oct 2024
@john:friendsgiv.ingjohn joined the room.01:19:58
@cf11:0x2c.orgchaoflow yisraeldov: The manual install as described in the doom emacs manual is the way to go. See also e.g. https://discourse.doomemacs.org/t/installing-doom-emacs-on-nixos/4600 09:12:46
@cf11:0x2c.orgchaoflowYou'll want to join the doom emacs discord as that is where it's community hangs out and provides support.09:13:33
In reply to @cf11:0x2c.org
You'll want to join the doom emacs discord as that is where it's community hangs out and provides support.
I'd rather not use discord, is there a matrix community?
@yisraeldov:matrix.orgyisraeldovRedacted or Malformed Event09:32:54
@cf11:0x2c.orgchaoflow yisraeldov: Not that I'm aware of - I don't like it either. 09:51:53
In reply to @yisraeldov:matrix.org
Hi all, I'm thinking of making the switch to Doom. It seems to have many sane defaults and I end up copying most of what they have anyway into my own commit. Is there a recomended way to use doom on nix ?

I use two methods which can be selected for each host with an option:

1. On my main laptop where I may make more frequent edits to my emacs config I let doom/emacs handle its own dependencies. I roughly follow the config from the doom developer.
2. On other systems where I'm not regularly changing my config I use doom-nix-unstraightened, which essentially handles as much as possible through nix. This pulls my doom config from github, so a commit+push+nix update is then needed for any change to take effect. OTOH I can run my emacs config on a new system in a fully automated way and updates to my system also update doom and emacs packages. I've also had one emacs package want to create files in its install location at runtime which fails when that's the nix store (which is annoying).

@yisraeldov:matrix.orgyisraeldov john: Awsome, thanks! I was looking for hlisiner's config, didn't know he also uses nix. I saw "doom-nix-unstraigtened" and it looks like how I have my emacs set up now, but I don't use flakes, and there isn't much docs on how to just use it with home-manager alone. 14:12:13

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