
Nix Emacs

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13 Jun 2024
In reply to @zororg:matrix.org

Then you can use emacs-git or emacs-pgtk or so...

You can list all available package from it by

$ nix search emacs-overlay# (press Enter or TAB)

That's very handy indeed, thank you!
@johnhamelink:matrix.orgjohnhamelink Hi there, I have almost entirely moved my config over to nix with emacs-overlay. I'm using emacsWithPackagesFromUsePackage to pull down all my use-package deps, but for some reason alphapapa's activities isn't being recognised. I do see it in nixpkgs (emacsPackages.activities), and it's available from ELPA. Why would it not be found by emacsWithPackagesFromUsePackage? 16:44:02
15 Jun 2024
@marmar22:tchncs.deMarmar22 changed their profile picture.03:23:46
17 Jun 2024
@takimototsuneko:matrix.orgtsuneko-sama removed their profile picture.01:11:54
@takimototsuneko:matrix.orgtsuneko-sama changed their display name from takimototsuneko to tsuneko-sama.01:12:11
@marmar22:tchncs.deMarmar22 changed their display name from marmar22 to Marmar22.02:57:23
@zmberber:matrix.orgZM Berber joined the room.17:07:17
@zmberber:matrix.orgZM Berber hey! it doesn't seem like the emacs overlay and parsePackagesFromUsePackage take care of custom packages (directly from git, outside elpa/melpa) declared via straight, right? it would be really cool if this parser could handle that as well. i am almost thinking about doing the reverse: generate a straight declaration from the nix declaration for a custom package. 17:15:48
In reply to @zmberber:matrix.org
hey! it doesn't seem like the emacs overlay and parsePackagesFromUsePackage take care of custom packages (directly from git, outside elpa/melpa) declared via straight, right? it would be really cool if this parser could handle that as well. i am almost thinking about doing the reverse: generate a straight declaration from the nix declaration for a custom package.
no, it only parses your use-package/leaf declarations and matches them to existing packages in nixpkgs
@zmberber:matrix.orgZM Berberyeah...17:17:26
@bandithedoge:matrix.orgbandithedogehttps://github.com/nix-community/nix-straight.el does it for straight declarations and powers nix-doom-emacs but it's been broken for quite some time17:19:06
@zmberber:matrix.orgZM Berber
In reply to @bandithedoge:matrix.org
https://github.com/nix-community/nix-straight.el does it for straight declarations and powers nix-doom-emacs but it's been broken for quite some time
bummer... so what do you recommend? i would just stick to straight inside emacs for everything, aside from vterm and others, possibly, for which i do it in nix for building
In reply to @zmberber:matrix.org
bummer... so what do you recommend? i would just stick to straight inside emacs for everything, aside from vterm and others, possibly, for which i do it in nix for building
i stick to use-package and write overrides with fetchgit for anything that isn't in nixpkgs
@bandithedoge:matrix.orgbandithedogebut just using straight/elpaca/whatever outside of nix is perfectly fine too17:57:02
@zmberber:matrix.orgZM Berber do you mean you stick to use-package with straight within emacs? or do you use emacsWithPackagesFromUsePackage? 17:57:02
In reply to @zmberber:matrix.org
do you mean you stick to use-package with straight within emacs? or do you use emacsWithPackagesFromUsePackage?
emacsWithPackagesFromUsePackage with overrides
@bandithedoge:matrix.orgbandithedogelike so https://github.com/bandithedoge/dotfiles/blob/master/home%2Feditors%2Femacs.nix#L34-L4017:58:33
@zmberber:matrix.orgZM Berber what happens if there is something in use-package which isn't in nixpkgs? for instance, something custom made? does emacsWithPackagesFromUsePackage just ignore it? 18:16:25
In reply to @zmberber:matrix.org
what happens if there is something in use-package which isn't in nixpkgs? for instance, something custom made? does emacsWithPackagesFromUsePackage just ignore it?
yes, though if you don't specify an override then emacs might try to download the package on startup
@zmberber:matrix.orgZM Berber
In reply to @bandithedoge:matrix.org
yes, though if you don't specify an override then emacs might try to download the package on startup
yes, that is what i expected.
@bandithedoge:matrix.orgbandithedogeit'll print a warning when rebuilding18:22:21
@zmberber:matrix.orgZM Berber but then i would have a kind of good setup: i would just have everything with straight-use-package, so that things can work on all machines, and then i would have everything with emacsWithPackagesFromUsePackage as well as overrides for all things that are not in elpa 18:23:36
@bandithedoge:matrix.orgbandithedoge sounds like a plan, though i'm not sure if that function will parse straight-use-package correctly 18:30:50
@bandithedoge:matrix.orgbandithedoge i guess you're better off setting :straight t as default in use-package 18:31:22
@zmberber:matrix.orgZM Berber
In reply to @bandithedoge:matrix.org
sounds like a plan, though i'm not sure if that function will parse straight-use-package correctly
it does. you can use straight and there is an option for emacs to always use straight-use-package when there is use-package.
@zmberber:matrix.orgZM Berber
In reply to @bandithedoge:matrix.org
i guess you're better off setting :straight t as default in use-package
yes, that is precisely what i would be doing
@zmberber:matrix.orgZM Berber...and what i meant by my previous message18:33:19
@zmberber:matrix.orgZM Berber or actually, i would set straight-use-package-by-default 18:35:02

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