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3 May 2024
@ngn999:matrix.orgngnI have try it, but not works.10:53:18
In reply to @bandithedoge:matrix.org

Ah thank you.

Idk why, sometimes i become that second lazy that I jump into source code and try to find where package is defined and whats the hash written in json and all....

But I forget to first check if there is an issue already open

In reply to @bandithedoge:matrix.org

Ah thank you.

Idk why, sometimes i become that few seconds lazy that I jump into source code and try to find where package is defined and whats the hash written in json and all....

But I forget to first check if there is an issue already open

@ngn999:matrix.orgngnAfter some search, I figure it out: https://github.com/nix-community/emacs-overlay/issues/391#issuecomment-208873179012:51:14
In reply to @ngn999:matrix.org
After some search, I figure it out: https://github.com/nix-community/emacs-overlay/issues/391#issuecomment-2088731790
              // {
                combobulate = pkgs.callPackage ./packages/combobulate/default.nix {
                  inherit (pkgs) fetchFromGitHub;
                  inherit (prev) trivialBuild;
just a tip, you don't have to merge attrsets here
@bandithedoge:matrix.orgbandithedoge* } // { combobulate = pkgs.callPackage ./packages/combobulate/default.nix { inherit (pkgs) fetchFromGitHub; inherit (prev) trivialBuild; }; };   just a tip, you don't have to merge attrsets here14:37:48
@bandithedoge:matrix.orgbandithedoge you can put combobulate next to smartparens and it'll have the same effect 14:38:44
@bandithedoge:matrix.orgbandithedoge unless it's just for organization purposes 14:38:52
@ngn999:matrix.orgngnYou are right. As I said I am a newbie15:09:51
6 May 2024
@liebach:matrix.org@liebach:matrix.org left the room.12:55:59
7 May 2024
@zororg:matrix.orgzororg People who use pdf-tools, doesn't it lag or consume too much memory? 15:27:59

I have to reduce image-cache-eviction-delay to lower than 10 to reduce memory usage.

Just for 25 MB file, viewing it in fit to width consumes more than 800 megs of ram

@bwolff:matrix.orgenp3s0How to measure on my machine?16:43:37
8 May 2024
@zororg:matrix.orgzororgi mean with simple btop05:23:36
@checooh:matrix.orgchecooh joined the room.11:57:25
@clawit:matrix.orgclawit joined the room.15:40:10
9 May 2024
@theutz:matrix.org@theutz:matrix.org left the room.08:52:01
@morgrimm:matrix.orgremi-gelinas changed their display name from morgrimm to remi-gelinas.13:21:57
@morgrimm:matrix.orgremi-gelinas set a profile picture.13:23:42
@morgrimm:matrix.orgremi-gelinas adisbladis: Not really sure if this is the best forum but Mic pointed me here - any chance I can get antifuchs invited to nix-community? 13:34:34
@antifuchs:asf.computerantifuchsoh hi! I'm on there?13:34:53
@antifuchs:asf.computerantifuchsoh no, I'm not! oops13:35:10
@morgrimm:matrix.orgremi-gelinasI'm not able to add you to the nix-ts-mode team apparently13:35:13
@antifuchs:asf.computerantifuchsah, that's weird; if you're a repo admin, can you invite people to the org?13:36:00
@morgrimm:matrix.orgremi-gelinasWe just need to get you into nix-community and I can get you in and give you maintainer perms :D I'll be paying a bit more attention to the repo now, and we'll have a few more people, so I'm hoping to maybe turn around the reputation I gave it in the early days13:36:17
@morgrimm:matrix.orgremi-gelinasNope, I can't invite people to the team outside of the community org13:36:30
@morgrimm:matrix.orgremi-gelinasAnd I don't have perms to org invite at large, so13:36:59
@antifuchs:asf.computerantifuchsah, from https://nix-community.org/faq/ it sounds like you need to ping the nix-community admins13:37:39
@morgrimm:matrix.orgremi-gelinasYeah, exactly - hence the adis ping :D13:37:55
@antifuchs:asf.computerantifuchs"can request" but it doesn't say what mechanism (:13:38:00

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