
Nix Emacs

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26 Apr 2024
@pxc:matrix.orgpxc changed their display name from pxc (why) to pxc.23:32:17
27 Apr 2024
@pxc:matrix.orgpxc set a profile picture.00:46:05
@pxc:matrix.orgpxc removed their profile picture.00:48:05
@31holdshift:matrix.org@31holdshift:matrix.org left the room.05:23:59
@mirhnaz:matrix.orgNaz Mir joined the room.06:37:42
@bestlem:matrix.orgbestlemWhat should be in hm-init ? and how do you create it07:36:28
@danderson:matrix.org@danderson:matrix.org left the room.07:38:04
In reply to @bestlem:matrix.org
What should be in hm-init ? and how do you create it
It is generated by nix home-manager based on my declared configuration.
It's located here: /nix/store/r0aw6f3rw5vsi63c4j9fr0mc5827r5p8-emacs-packages-deps/share/emacs/site-lisp/hm-init.el
@lychee:lefishe.club@lychee:lefishe.club left the room.14:34:53
@withoutwithin:matrix.org@withoutwithin:matrix.org left the room.16:03:39
@ygt:matrix.orgnadir joined the room.18:22:25
@lxsameer:matrix.orglxsameerhey folks, how do you install a package on runtime to try it out?18:46:19
28 Apr 2024
@roman.gonzalez:matrix.org@roman.gonzalez:matrix.org left the room.06:32:03

Sometimes, I clone source to /tmp/ or open raw file in eww > emacs-lisp-mode > eval-buffer

or nix repl > :b a emacsPackage, then load or add-to-path

@lxsameer:matrix.orglxsameercool thanks09:22:35
@crazazy:utwente.iocrazazy joined the room.15:28:56
@crazazy:utwente.iocrazazy changed their profile picture.16:10:17
@rrix:aelf.landrrixI have in the past mounted a ramdisk to ~/.emacs/elpa and package-install something too18:42:10
@rrix:aelf.landrrixOr whatever the dir ie18:42:21
@rrix:aelf.landrrix* Or whatever the dir is18:42:32
@reddima100:matrix.orgDimaWhat lsp server do you use for nix language? How do you add it to emacs?23:18:03
@reddima100:matrix.orgDimaI would like to add this one https://github.com/nix-community/nixd?tab=readme-ov-file23:18:45
29 Apr 2024
@bwolff:matrix.orgenp3s0I use nil and I'm very happy with it.08:16:48
@lxsameer:matrix.orglxsameersame here08:17:03
@stigo:matrix.org@stigo:matrix.org left the room.12:02:07
@brsvh:mozilla.orgBurgess Chang Has anyone encountered a problem with the incorrect hash for melpaPackages.smartparens? 12:19:13
@brsvh:mozilla.orgBurgess Changat nix-community/emacs-overlay/main12:19:44
@brsvh:mozilla.orgBurgess ChangWhoops, I see a relate issue report on GitHub🙃12:22:50
@brsvh:mozilla.orgBurgess Chang ~~Has anyone encountered a problem with the incorrect hash for melpaPackages.smartparens?~~ 12:22:58
@brsvh:mozilla.orgBurgess Chang Has anyone encountered a problem with the incorrect hash for `melpaPackages.smartparens`? 12:23:20

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