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29 Apr 2024
@infinidoge:matrix.orgMigrated to @infinidoge:inx.moeMy PR bumps to 21, but it might be necessary to split it into 2 separate versions18:06:11
@philiptaron:matrix.orgPhilip Taron (UTC-8)Drop the PR link?18:34:38
@infinidoge:matrix.orgMigrated to @infinidoge:inx.moehttps://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/28626718:36:51
@infinidoge:matrix.orgMigrated to @infinidoge:inx.moeCurrently waiting on staging stuff to build so I can bump JFX 21 and 2218:37:07
@philiptaron:matrix.orgPhilip Taron (UTC-8)Let me know if you need machine cycles.18:48:43
@infinidoge:matrix.orgMigrated to @infinidoge:inx.moeI have a rack server to offload stuff to, so I should be fine in that regard, just takes a bit19:18:10
@infinidoge:matrix.orgMigrated to @infinidoge:inx.moeWould it be a bad idea to just remove adoptopenjdk's OpenJ9 packages entirely?22:23:53
@infinidoge:matrix.orgMigrated to @infinidoge:inx.moe It's causing such a headache 22:24:00
@infinidoge:matrix.orgMigrated to @infinidoge:inx.moeadoptopenjdk overall is just a massive pain because it doesn't really exist anymore22:24:11
@infinidoge:matrix.orgMigrated to @infinidoge:inx.moeI've been bashing my head against trying to figure out what the heck I should do to get it to even properly evaluate, cause it expects to have all of the versions but it just doesn't22:24:57
@infinidoge:matrix.orgMigrated to @infinidoge:inx.moeThe generate sources script doesn't even run properly anymore because it can't find/fetch certain sources22:25:28
@infinidoge:matrix.orgMigrated to @infinidoge:inx.moeI think I'm just going to alias adoptopenjdk builds to temurin/semeru where applicable, and rip the whole thing out22:34:05
@infinidoge:matrix.orgMigrated to @infinidoge:inx.moeIt's a dead project, and trying to maintain using its builds will just continue to bite us22:34:18
@infinidoge:matrix.orgMigrated to @infinidoge:inx.moeGah, can't just do that, because all of the stuff for building those versions of openjdk rely on it22:41:18
@infinidoge:matrix.orgMigrated to @infinidoge:inx.moeAnd Temurin and the like don't have respective builds22:41:28
@infinidoge:matrix.orgMigrated to @infinidoge:inx.moeWould need to rip out the entirety of JDK 13/14/1522:41:39
@philiptaron:matrix.orgPhilip Taron (UTC-8)Those are all now EOL, right?23:17:14
30 Apr 2024
@infinidoge:matrix.orgMigrated to @infinidoge:inx.moeVery00:25:53
@infinidoge:matrix.orgMigrated to @infinidoge:inx.moeAdoptOpenJDK is dead, long live Temurin04:10:43
@infinidoge:matrix.orgMigrated to @infinidoge:inx.moeRequest for comment: Removing OpenJDK 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16 from Nixpkgs.04:55:10
@infinidoge:matrix.orgMigrated to @infinidoge:inx.moeWithout old binary versions of OpenJDK, like from AdoptOpenJDK (pain), they aren't buildable from the outset. And even then, they aren't buildable, because several along the chain are individually broken for one reason or another, so bootstrapping within Nixpkgs isn't possible either04:55:58
@infinidoge:matrix.orgMigrated to @infinidoge:inx.moeThey aren't used for anything within Nixpkgs itself, so the only way they would be used by someone would be if they explicitly reached into the old compilers to grab it, somehow had it building, and ignored the broken and insecure warnings04:56:41
@infinidoge:matrix.orgMigrated to @infinidoge:inx.moeRevising to removing 12/13/14/15, 16 can stay because we have an alternative bootstrap binary, (Temurin/Semeru both are packaged for 16 in Nixpkgs)06:28:59
1 May 2024
@mjolnir:nixos.orgNixOS Moderation Botchanged room power levels.15:06:39
4 May 2024
@ss:someonex.netSomeoneSerge (UTC+3) changed their display name from SomeoneSerge (is taking time off and doesn't want to hear about it) to SomeoneSerge (Way down Hadestown).21:03:49
9 May 2024
@ss:someonex.netSomeoneSerge (UTC+3) changed their display name from SomeoneSerge (Way down Hadestown) to SomeoneSerge (UTC+3).17:11:33
@infinidoge:matrix.orgMigrated to @infinidoge:inx.moeimage.png
Download image.png
10 May 2024
@infinidoge:matrix.orgMigrated to @infinidoge:inx.moehttps://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/31046601:08:31
20 May 2024
@trexd:matrix.orgtrexd joined the room.18:17:38
22 May 2024
@mjolnir:nixos.orgNixOS Moderation Botchanged room power levels.15:25:53

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