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18 Sep 2022
@greaka:greaka.degreaka left the room.11:34:57
In reply to @nbathum:matrix.org
feel free to ping me if you run into any snags. here is my shell for my jdk8 project for reference. https://gist.github.com/addict3d/1108b06f0d70b69a2b724c7a5b6182b2
Much appreciated!
16 Nov 2022
@omlet:matrix.org@omlet:matrix.org joined the room.20:34:11
26 Nov 2022
@ahsmha:matrix.org@ahsmha:matrix.org changed their display name from rh to ahmed.19:19:47
29 Nov 2022
@yuu:matrix.org@yuu:matrix.org changed their display name from yuu to yuu✨✨.23:04:09
14 Dec 2022
@alesya-h:nixos.devAlesya Huzik joined the room.13:39:11
19 Dec 2022
@anderscs:matrix.org@anderscs:matrix.org joined the room.14:38:28
21 Dec 2022
@yuu:matrix.org@yuu:matrix.org changed their display name from yuu✨✨ to Yuu☯Yin.19:55:19
25 Dec 2022
@ahsmha:matrix.org@ahsmha:matrix.org left the room.10:40:55
9 Jan 2023
@robmicha:matrix.tu-bs.deRobert Michael joined the room.21:26:01
14 Jan 2023
@yuu:matrix.org@yuu:matrix.org removed their display name Yuu☯Yin.11:06:38
@yuu:matrix.org@yuu:matrix.org set their display name to yuu.11:07:09
16 Jan 2023
@benjaminedwardwebb:envs.netbenwebb joined the room.17:02:33
18 Jan 2023
@yuu:matrix.org@yuu:matrix.org changed their display name from yuu to Yuu Yin.13:41:51
22 Jan 2023
@omlet:matrix.org@omlet:matrix.org left the room.20:26:21
6 Feb 2023
@ami:the-apothecary.clubAmi joined the room.19:23:05
21 Feb 2023
@bendlas:matrix.orgbendlas joined the room.19:15:31
2 Mar 2023
@robmicha:matrix.tu-bs.deRobert Michael removed their profile picture.13:16:58
12 Mar 2023
@jlesquembre:matrix.orgjlesquembre joined the room.09:27:13
13 Mar 2023
@fabianhjr:matrix.orgFabián Heredia joined the room.03:37:16
16 Mar 2023
@gezz:matrix.org@gezz:matrix.org joined the room.14:58:52
@yuu:matrix.org@yuu:matrix.org left the room.19:59:01
1 Apr 2023
@selckin:matrix.orgselckin joined the room.12:49:18
16 Apr 2023
@ianluo001:matrix.orgian luo joined the room.02:27:44
17 Apr 2023
@strum355:matrix.orgstroem - sourcegraph joined the room.11:44:09
@strum355:matrix.orgstroem - sourcegraph has anyone here experienced issues with gradle toolchains on nixos? it appears to fail at the probing section, and some manual noodling around seems to show that it tries to invoke bin/javac in the extracted dir, but this is segfaulting before main is called (gdb breakpoint at main doesnt trigger) 11:45:02
@strum355:matrix.orgstroem - sourcegraphHavent confirmed yet, but I think it may be a dynamic linker/interpreter issue, had a similar issue there with protoc provisioned by gradle 13:20:35
@bendlas:matrix.orgbendlas I wouldn't expect an interpreter issue to cause a segfault. I've seen segfaults for dynamic libraries being accessed during runtime (not for stuff that's visible with ldd), and also other paths that are hardcoded to be accessed in /usr or whatnot. strace often helps, but if it's segfaulting before main, that's dubious. Have you tried running it within an FHS user env? 13:35:40
@strum355:matrix.orgstroem - sourcegraphCant reproduce anymore unfortunately, reverted a bunch of changes in the gradle build (8.x back to 7.x) and it seems fine now. Might be something specific with gradle 8.x toolchains17:11:34
5 May 2023
@jlesquembre:matrix.orgjlesquembre set a profile picture.13:51:07

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