
NixOS on WSL

297 Members
https://github.com/nix-community/NixOS-WSL54 Servers

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21 Nov 2024
@nzbr:nzbr.denzbr (they/it)
In reply to@k900:0upti.me
This looks so much better. I won't have to find out how to deal with signing the msixbundle after all
@nzbr:nzbr.denzbr (they/it)Only downside it looks like we won't get to create custom commands for things like launching the recovery shell or rolling back to a previous generation like that. But just having those commands in the wiki is probably more maintainable anyway23:24:52
22 Nov 2024
@alazyworkaholic:matrix.orgalazy joined the room.03:46:32
In reply to @k900:0upti.me
Can you try wsl --update
Checks then tells me "The most recent versino of Windows Subsystem for Linux is already installed."
In reply to@alazyworkaholic:matrix.org
Checks then tells me "The most recent versino of Windows Subsystem for Linux is already installed."
How about wsl --update --pre-release?
In reply to@nzbr:nzbr.de
This looks so much better. I won't have to find out how to deal with signing the msixbundle after all
Except it only works on latest Windows I think :(
25 Nov 2024
@vedantmgoyal:beeper.comVedant joined the room.08:06:27
@nullcube:matrix.orgNullCube joined the room.09:54:44
26 Nov 2024
@etehtsea:matrix.orgkis-kis joined the room.14:48:09
27 Nov 2024
@nzbr:nzbr.denzbr (they/it)by the way, does anyone here happen to know who I need to bug about this chat getting added to the new NixOS space? At least for me it doesn't appear in there since the space got migrated09:58:28
@k900:0upti.meK900 #matrix-suggestions:nixos.org 10:39:39
@emma:rory.gayEmma [it/its]i thought it was in a subspace?10:41:35
@etehtsea:matrix.orgkis-kis changed their display name from kshabanov to kis-kis.15:16:25
28 Nov 2024
@aledomu:matrix.org@aledomu:matrix.org left the room.08:50:25
@nzbr:nzbr.denzbr (they/it)Maybe it's also just really broken11:42:49
@nzbr:nzbr.denzbr (they/it)image.png
Download image.png
@nzbr:nzbr.denzbr (they/it) I needed to explicitly join the topics subspace for this channel to appear under the NixOS space. Isn't Matrix's UX just amazing 20:39:06
29 Nov 2024
@bl1nk:matrix.orgbl1nk changed their profile picture.01:11:48
@bl1nk:matrix.orgbl1nk changed their profile picture.01:12:03
@shafael170:matrix.orgShafa'el Zmeyev changed their display name from Shafa'el Zaitsev to Shafa'el Zmeyev.07:58:08
@shafael170:matrix.orgShafa'el Zmeyev changed their profile picture.07:58:35
@achernoff:matrix.orgachernoff joined the room.22:17:58
@hlgs:matrix.org@hlgs:matrix.org left the room.23:43:56
30 Nov 2024

I have these channels installed:

sudo nix-channel --list
home-manager https://github.com/nix-community/home-manager/archive/master.tar.gz
nixos https://channels.nixos.org/nixos-24.05
nixos-wsl https://github.com/nix-community/NixOS-WSL/archive/refs/heads/main.tar.gz

When running:

sudo nix-env -qaP hello

I'm getting:

trace: warning: cudaPackages.autoAddDriverRunpath is deprecated, use pkgs.autoAddDriverRunpath instead
trace: warning: cudaPackages.autoAddOpenGLRunpathHook is deprecated, use pkgs.autoAddDriverRunpathHook instead
trace: warning: cudaPackages.autoFixElfFiles is deprecated, use pkgs.autoFixElfFiles instead
trace: warning: cudaPackages.autoAddDriverRunpath is deprecated, use pkgs.autoAddDriverRunpath instead
trace: warning: cudaPackages.autoAddOpenGLRunpathHook is deprecated, use pkgs.autoAddDriverRunpathHook instead
trace: warning: cudaPackages.autoFixElfFiles is deprecated, use pkgs.autoFixElfFiles instead
trace: warning: cudaPackages.autoAddDriverRunpath is deprecated, use pkgs.autoAddDriverRunpath instead
trace: warning: cudaPackages.autoAddOpenGLRunpathHook is deprecated, use pkgs.autoAddDriverRunpathHook instead
trace: warning: cudaPackages.autoFixElfFiles is deprecated, use pkgs.autoFixElfFiles instead
trace: warning: eww now can build for X11 and wayland simultaneously, so eww-wayland is deprecated, use the normal eww package instead.
trace: warning: lxd has been renamed to lxd-lts
trace: warning: lxd-unwrapped has been renamed to lxd-unwrapped-lts
trace: warning: nixfmt was renamed to nixfmt-classic. The nixfmt attribute may be used for the new RFC 166-style formatter in the future, which is currently available as nixfmt-rfc-style
trace: warning: nvtop has been renamed to nvtopPackages.full
trace: warning: nvtop-amd has been renamed to nvtopPackages.amd
trace: warning: nvtop-intel has been renamed to nvtopPackages.intel
trace: warning: nvtop-msm has been renamed to nvtopPackages.msm
trace: warning: nvtop-nvidia has been renamed to nvtopPackages.nvidia
trace: warning: 'rapidjson-unstable' has been renamed to 'rapidjson'
trace: warning: writeReferencesToFile is deprecated in favour of writeClosure
… while calling the 'import' builtin

     at «none»:0: (source not available)

   … while evaluating the file '/nix/store/cp3hsjlm5gqfvyw4nn5y6ir3hhcvpj9z-nixos-wsl/nixos-wsl/default.nix':

   … while evaluating the attribute 'defaultNix'

     at /nix/store/8kpx53qi52yhjai1vdw8zpa95iqa61bv-source/default.nix:229:5:

      228|   rec {
      229|     defaultNix =
         |     ^
      230|       (builtins.removeAttrs result ["__functor"])

   (stack trace truncated; use '--show-trace' to show the full trace)

   error: path '/nix/store/l2sfdsab1fh107f5r8za7pnv9a2xxnlg-nixos-wsl' is not valid

Anyone know why I'm getting the error (and warnings) and how to fix?

My WSL versions are:

wsl --version
WSL version:
Kernel version:
WSLg version: 1.0.65
MSRDC version: 1.2.5620
Direct3D version: 1.611.1-81528511
DXCore version: 10.0.26100.1-240331-1435.ge-release
Windows version: 10.0.26120.2415

@k900:0upti.meK900That's store corruption probably18:32:08
@k900:0upti.meK900 nix-store --verify --repair 18:32:13
In reply to @k900:0upti.me
nix-store --verify --repair

I ran this does not show anything:

sudo nix-store --verify --repair
reading the Nix store...
checking path existence...

@k900:0upti.meK900 Try also --check-contents 18:33:31
@mwoodpatrickmx:matrix.orgmwoodpatrickmxThat completed normally as well: sudo nix-store --verify --repair --check-contents reading the Nix store... checking path existence... checking link hashes... checking store hashes...19:38:16
@nzbr:nzbr.denzbr (they/it) Maybe try nix-channel --update. That might at least fix it by replacing the missing one with a new derivation 19:44:17

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