
NixOS on WSL

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8 Dec 2024
@k900:0upti.meK900That will only have your WSL applications 17:22:19
@k900:0upti.meK900You can probably do that, but generally I wouldn't recommend running graphical stuff in WSL17:22:36
@k900:0upti.meK900It can work, but it's pretty experimental and very janky 17:22:48
@emma:rory.gayEmma [it/its]last i tried graphical stuff in wsl is buggy as hell when you get to more than one window17:22:55
@emma:rory.gayEmma [it/its]* last i tried graphical stuff in wsl is buggy as hell when you get to more than one host window17:22:58
@suswombat92:matrix.orgsuswombathm okay17:23:13
@emma:rory.gayEmma [it/its]i'd guess sway is your best bet (wayland on wayland)17:23:21
@suswombat92:matrix.orgsuswombati guess ill look into the windows ones17:23:21
@k900:0upti.meK900It's not unusable but it's also not great 17:23:43
@k900:0upti.meK900And it'll never play nice with Windows side, well, windows17:24:25
@suswombat92:matrix.orgsuswombatwould it be possible to run nixd under windows? so i can use it in my windows instance of vscode?17:34:14
@suswombat92:matrix.orgsuswombatanyone can point me to what version id need to set it to?18:04:23
@suswombat92:matrix.orgsuswombatok i think i figured it out18:06:03
@suswombat92:matrix.orgsuswombatok got it to run+18:10:47
@marie:marie.cologneMarie changed their profile picture.22:38:03
@marie:marie.cologneMarie changed their profile picture.22:39:18
9 Dec 2024
@98765abc:mozilla.org98765abcThere is no such pash /lib/modules/ How could I create it in nix way? I want to load modules08:57:20
@k900:0upti.meK900You don't09:24:48
@k900:0upti.meK900There are no modules09:24:51
@98765abc:mozilla.org98765abc * There is no such path /lib/modules/ How could I create it in nix way? I want to load modules09:26:43
Download image.png
@98765abc:mozilla.org98765abc I compile the kernel by myself.I want to find a good way to load the modules.Is there a good way? 09:29:51
@k900:0upti.meK900It's not really directly supported on WSL 09:33:24
@k900:0upti.meK900They had some support for loading modules but backed it out 09:33:38
@98765abc:mozilla.org98765abcthank you very much 09:36:20
@98765abc:mozilla.org98765abc * I see.Thank you very much 09:36:40
@dguibert:beeper.comdguibert joined the room.11:08:10
@techphonesnews:matrix.orgtechphonesnews joined the room.11:28:22

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