
NixOS on WSL

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6 Sep 2024
@common16:matrix.orgcommon16Hey everyone. Does anyone have an example handy of how I can configure git to use my /mnt/c/.../git-credentials-manager.exe and /mnt/c/Users/common/.gitconfig in my flake.nix that way they're auto-set when I start WSL?15:30:08
@rosssmyth:matrix.orgrosssmythfor the latter can probably use $GIT_CONFIG_SYSTEM in your shell startup config15:35:09
@rosssmyth:matrix.orgrosssmythIt will be slower but may be acceptable for you15:35:24
@common16:matrix.orgcommon16Is it faster to copy it into WSL instead (if possible)?15:36:08
@rosssmyth:matrix.orgrosssmythYeah. tbh in my experience I don't notice too much of slow down accessing the host filesystem, I work in Windows directories all the time. Try it out and see is what I would do. 15:36:58
@rosssmyth:matrix.orgrosssmyth * Yeah. tbh in my experience I don't notice too much of slow down accessing the host filesystem, I work in and compile things in Windows directories all the time. Try it out and see is what I would do. 15:37:12
@common16:matrix.orgcommon16I'm still very new to NixOS. Would you be able to help me add that into my flake.nix? http://pastie.org/p/6iQbsvLMpkdYEiiWqLGDh115:37:57

If you can put it on a site with working HTTPS/TLS then yes. But the gist is to do something like

programs.fish.shellInit = ''
  set -gx GIT_CONFIG_SYSTEM /some/path
@rosssmyth:matrix.orgrosssmyth *

If you can put it on a site with working HTTPS/TLS then yes. But the gist is to do something like

programs.fish.shellInit = ''
  set -gx GIT_CONFIG_SYSTEM /some/path
@rosssmyth:matrix.orgrosssmyth *

If you can put it on a site with working HTTPS/TLS then yes. But the gist is to do something like

programs.fish.shellInit = ''
  set -gx GIT_CONFIG_SYSTEM /some/path

Or the equivalent for the shell you use

@common16:matrix.orgcommon16Ah let me try that.15:45:18
@common16:matrix.orgcommon16I think that did the trick. Thanks!15:52:31
9 Sep 2024
@declension:matrix.orgdeclension joined the room.16:04:09
@common16:matrix.orgcommon16Redacted or Malformed Event22:42:47
10 Sep 2024
@k900:0upti.meK900Are you actually running an SSH agent?04:30:03
@common16:matrix.orgcommon16 I was but I wasn't able to get it working well with that approach. With my current approach I'm able to share the ssh from my host by deleting all of /home/nixos/.ssh/ and then copying my C:\Users\host.ssh\ into /home/nixos/.ssh/ 05:19:13
@common16:matrix.orgcommon16And also set my SSH_AUTH_SOCK env var (all within my programs.fish.shellInit)05:22:12
@k900:0upti.meK900 Set SSHAUTHSOCK to what though? 05:22:21
@k900:0upti.meK900 Set SSH_AUTH_SOCK to what though? 05:22:24
@common16:matrix.orgcommon16 set -l latest_socket (ls -t /tmp/ssh-/agent. | head -n 1)
set -gx SSH_AUTH_SOCK $latest_socket
@k900:0upti.meK900That means something is spawning an ssh-agent05:23:24
@k900:0upti.meK900Because that file should not exist if there's no SSH agent running05:23:35
@k900:0upti.meK900So you should figure out what is actually spawning it05:23:42
@common16:matrix.orgcommon16Hm... I'm not sure how to find out where since I've been doing everything from this flake file05:23:52
@k900:0upti.meK900Well you could start by checking htop05:25:44
@k900:0upti.meK900And seeing if there are any ssh-agent processes05:25:55
@k900:0upti.meK900And what their parent process is05:25:58
@common16:matrix.orgcommon16When I look for ssh I can see: ssh-aggent /nix/store/78mv13w9mgh0 nixos05:26:24
@common16:matrix.orgcommon16Something in my userspace(?) created it it seems like05:26:39
@k900:0upti.meK900Switch to a tree view and look at what its parent process is05:26:46

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