
NixOS on WSL

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8 May 2024

Hey, just looking for a bit of help.
To avoid the xy problem(https://xyproblem.info/) this is what I'm actually trying to do:

Which as far as I understand should just be updating the system config.


  • I have never worked on linux before.
  • I have tried quite alot of searching to try to solve the problem.

I am getting the error that the file-system is read only when I try to save an edited version of the configuration.nix file.

I have a full explaination of the exact steps ive taken. Aswell as a full explaination of my interaction searching the docs in attempt to find a solution.
So either or those are available if they would be useful.

@k900:0upti.meK900Waydroid is not going to happen on WSL realistically14:04:56
@k900:0upti.meK900It requires a custom kernel and graphics acceleration14:05:07
@k900:0upti.meK900Which is possible but non-trivial14:05:20
@k900:0upti.meK900And will probably break something or other in the WSL stack anyway because it does some pretty arcane magic to make things work at all14:05:50
@k900:0upti.meK900For VSCode, the easiest workaround is probably https://github.com/K900/vscode-remote-workaround/blob/main/vscode.nix14:07:35
@balanced_design:matrix.orgbalanced_designWSA(windows subsystem for android) works though? WSA is just being depricate in a year, so I was finding an alternative which is decently performant. And WSL is a hypervisor that gets harware access and all apps ive checked have x86 apk versions. As for it breaking other things, I have 2 NixOS installations. The intention was for 1 to only be for waydroid.14:09:33
@k900:0upti.meK900WSA works14:10:10
@k900:0upti.meK900But it's not just WSL14:10:14
@k900:0upti.meK900It's Hyper-V + a lot of custom Microsoft proprietary glue14:10:23
@k900:0upti.meK900It's not WSL running Waydroid, or WSL running anything resembling "normal" Android14:10:42
@k900:0upti.meK900 (and WSL can't run "normal" Android anyway, because "normal" Android has surprisingly little in common with desktop Linux) 14:11:13
@balanced_design:matrix.orgbalanced_designAny info on how to save my changes to the configuration.nix file without getting the "read only file system" error?14:12:03
@k900:0upti.meK900You should edit it as root14:12:14

sudo nano configuration.nix
then editing the config
then ctrl + O
then enter

results in the same read only error.

@balanced_design:matrix.orgbalanced_designI assume I dont understand something14:15:45
@k900:0upti.meK900That sounds wrong14:17:16
@k900:0upti.meK900What file are you editing?14:17:24
  • I have installed nixos. Its on wsl version 2. Its set to default.
  • I open it using wsl -d <distro name>
  • I cd into /mnt/wslg/distro/etc/nixos/
  • I try to edit the file using "sudo nano configuration.nix" (I use nano since I didnt know which editor and using nano appears here https://wiki.nixos.org/wiki/Nixos-rebuild.)
@k900:0upti.meK900Yeah that's the wrong place14:19:55
@k900:0upti.meK900 You want to just cd /etc/nixos 14:20:01
@balanced_design:matrix.orgbalanced_designThank you for the help. I appreciate it alot.14:22:22
@balanced_design:matrix.orgbalanced_designSince you seem to know a decent bit about android and WSL. Do you have any ideas on a way to get android on windows with good performance?14:24:59
@balanced_design:matrix.orgbalanced_designI am happy to research them myself, you dont need to write everything about them for me14:25:25
@k900:0upti.meK900The official Android emulator seems OK for me?14:25:35
@balanced_design:matrix.orgbalanced_designJust asking for any ideas.14:25:36
@k900:0upti.meK900I don't really use Android apps though14:25:47
@balanced_design:matrix.orgbalanced_designThanks for answering. Sadly in the past I've tried the android studio emulator (which is what I assume you mean), aswell as nox a long time ago, and I'm using WSA now. If waydroid on WSL doesnt work out I'll google if theres some other "official android emulator" that you could have been refering to.14:32:51
@balanced_design:matrix.orgbalanced_designThanks again14:33:34
@k900:0upti.meK900I do mean the Android Studio emulator14:34:04

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