23 Jan 2025 |
6pak | but you would need to mess around with some kind of system for overlaying files and registry, sure | 20:49:22 |
GGG | And I don't plan to upstream this to nixpkgs anyways, so I'll just pick the lazy route | 20:49:47 |
6pak | yeah but winetricks is so slow | 20:50:36 |
6pak | and the stuff it copies to the prefix takes so much space | 20:50:46 |
GGG | It's only as slow as the installers themselves imo | 20:51:22 |
GGG | Most of the time was spent on them in this case | 20:51:38 |
6pak | have you ever ran winetricks corefonts | 20:53:33 |
6pak | or read winetricks source code | 20:54:01 |
GGG | Nope | 20:54:20 |
GGG | Just speaking from the output I saw | 20:54:29 |
GGG | I assume the one logging files being copied were the installers running under wine | 20:54:58 |
6pak | btw before I got wine workarounds upstreamed into dnspy I had this in the wrapper script
if [ ! -d "$WINEPREFIX" ]; then
mkdir -p "$WINEPREFIX"
${lib.getExe' wine "wineboot"} -u
if ! grep -qw "corefonts" "$WINEPREFIX/winetricks.log" 2>/dev/null; then
${lib.getExe' winetricks "winetricks"} corefonts
# Disable hardware acceleration in WPF (Avalon) because it's causing visual glitches
if ! grep -q '"DisableHWAcceleration"=dword:00000001' "$WINEPREFIX/user.reg" 2>/dev/null; then
"$WINE" reg add "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Avalon.Graphics" /v DisableHWAcceleration /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f
| 20:59:36 |
6pak | to avoid running wineboot/winetricks/winereg every launch | 20:59:50 |
6pak | which took quite some time | 20:59:57 |
6pak | it might not matter for your use case though I guess | 21:00:04 |
GGG | Yeah, in my case I can't really upstream anything nor use patches | 21:09:21 |
6pak | I mean the faster launch time might not matter for you | 21:10:00 |
GGG | Oh, I see | 21:10:50 |
GGG | Yeah, the only reason I had to use PerfView already pretty much flopped so I don't have any use for it for the foreseeable future | 21:11:42 |
25 Jan 2025 |
| Dennis joined the room. | 19:58:22 |
7 Feb 2025 |
Emma [it/its] | is there any chance of getting dotmemory packaged in nix? | 17:22:36 |
6pak | https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/348402 | 17:27:14 |
Emma [it/its] | oh, thanks <3 | 17:28:08 |
Emma [it/its] | i was trying to figure out why my code parsing a 780 byte file takes 109 KB of allocations, but the built in profiler wasnt giving me anything at all | 17:28:28 |
6pak | btw rider has dotmemory builtin aswell | 17:29:11 |
Emma [it/its] |
but the built in profiler wasnt giving me anything at all
| 17:29:40 |
6pak | oh I thought you meant dotnet-sos/dotnet-dump etc | 17:29:57 |
6pak | but rider literally embeds dotmemory so they should work the same | 17:30:16 |
8 Feb 2025 |
Emma [it/its] | yeah my issue is that the rider builtin variant doesnt do anything at all | 01:34:16 |
Emma [it/its] | the problem is that i cant make a snapshot because the process exits in less than a second | 01:34:46 |