

382 Members
133 Servers

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2 Jul 2021
@immae:matrix.orgimmae changed their display name from immae (he/him) to immae.17:45:49
@immae:matrix.orgimmae changed their profile picture.17:46:11
@immae:matrix.orgimmae changed their profile picture.17:47:49
3 Jul 2021
@immae:matrix.orgimmae left the room.00:03:40
5 Jul 2021
@spacesbot:nixos.devspacesbot - keeps a log of public NixOS channels joined the room.18:43:18
@spacesbot:nixos.devspacesbot - keeps a log of public NixOS channels 19:00:06
6 Jul 2021
@spacesbot:nixos.devspacesbot - keeps a log of public NixOS channels changed their display name from spacesbot to spacesbot - keeps a log of public NixOS channels.22:11:42
11 Jul 2021
@siraben:matrix.orgsiraben joined the room.11:39:10
@rosariopulella:matrix.orgRosario Pulella joined the room.15:45:30
18 Jul 2021
@robert:funklause.dedotlambda joined the room.13:18:18
22 Jul 2021
@das-g:matrix.orgdas-g joined the room.19:57:52
23 Jul 2021
Room Avatar Renderer.23:22:05
24 Jul 2021
@pnotequalnp:matrix.orgkevin changed their display name from pnotequalnp to kevin.06:52:34
4 Aug 2021
@lara:uwu.islara joined the room.07:46:31
18 Aug 2021
@siraben:matrix.orgsiraben changed their display name from siraben to siraben (he/him).19:37:17
22 Aug 2021
@siraben:matrix.orgsiraben changed their display name from siraben (he/him) to siraben.16:16:57
8 Sep 2021
@gardspirito:matrix.orggardspirito joined the room.14:47:48
11 Sep 2021
@andi:kack.itandi- joined the room.03:30:48
15 Sep 2021
@gardspirito:matrix.orggardspirito set a profile picture.18:32:17
16 Sep 2021
@em:queersin.spaceEmelie joined the room.10:12:33
@eyjhb:eyjhb.dkeyJhb joined the room.10:15:21
20 Sep 2021
@em:queersin.spaceEmelie left the room.20:18:25
@voyager:t2bot.ioMatrix Traveler (bot) joined the room.20:54:10
29 Sep 2021
@jkarlson:kapsi.fiEmil Karlson joined the room.03:22:19
30 Sep 2021
@matrixforever:matrix.orgmatrixforever joined the room.02:16:20
@matrixforever:matrix.orgmatrixforever left the room.02:17:47
1 Oct 2021
@shasler:stuvus.deSebastian Hasler joined the room.21:41:24
2 Oct 2021
@sushi_dude:matrix.orgSushi Dude joined the room.01:50:09
6 Oct 2021
@rosariopulella:matrix.orgRosario Pulella changed their display name from rosariopulella to Rosuavio.10:38:34
@rosariopulella:matrix.orgRosario Pulella changed their display name from Rosuavio to Rosario Pulella.10:44:59

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