

388 Members
136 Servers

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17 Oct 2024
@joerg:thalheim.ioMic92 changed their display name from Mic3000 🌋 to Mic92.12:22:31
18 Oct 2024
@sammy:cherrykitten.dev@sammy:cherrykitten.dev left the room.08:38:28
20 Oct 2024
@frero:pvv.ntnu.nofredrikr set a profile picture.08:09:16
@frero:pvv.ntnu.nofredrikr changed their display name from fredrikr79 to fredrikr.08:09:27
21 Oct 2024
@adrblo:matrix.orgAdrian Block joined the room.14:35:23
@adrblo:matrix.orgAdrian Block set a profile picture.15:08:58
26 May 2021
@grahamc:nixos.org@grahamc:nixos.org set the history visibility to "world_readable".19:33:32
@grahamc:nixos.org@grahamc:nixos.org set the room name to "International".19:33:32
@samueldr:matrix.orgsamueldr joined the room.20:01:33
@hmenke:matrix.orghmenke joined the room.20:41:47
@samueldr:matrix.orgsamueldr changed their display name from samueldr‎ to samueldr.21:05:27
@immae:matrix.orgimmae joined the room.21:14:35
29 May 2021
@teoc:matrix.orgTeo (he/him) joined the room.18:16:52
30 May 2021
@fgaz:matrix.orgfgaz joined the room.12:29:01
@server_stats:nordgedanken.devServer Stats Discoverer (traveler bot) joined the room.14:02:33
1 Jun 2021
@0x4a6f:matrix.org[0x4A6F] joined the room.06:50:12
3 Jun 2021
@alarsyo:alarsyo.netalarsyo joined the room.16:59:24
4 Jun 2021
@hexa:lossy.networkhexa joined the room.17:34:06
6 Jun 2021
@pnotequalnp:matrix.orgkevin joined the room.00:34:44
@plabadens:matrix.orgplabadens joined the room.17:41:47
9 Jun 2021
@ambroisie:belanyi.frAmbroisie joined the room.18:30:04
16 Jun 2021
@risson:lama-corp.spacerisson joined the room.07:36:43
@linus.heckemann:matrix.mayflower.deLinux Hackerman joined the room.09:02:47
@robert:funklause.dedotlambda joined the room.12:12:47
@robert:funklause.dedotlambda left the room.12:13:35
25 Jun 2021
@zarel_it:matrix.orgzarel joined the room.13:15:52
26 Jun 2021
@grahamc:nixos.org@grahamc:nixos.org invited @mjolnir:nixos.orgNixOS Moderation Bot.01:18:06
@mjolnir:nixos.orgNixOS Moderation Bot joined the room.01:18:08
@grahamc:nixos.org@grahamc:nixos.orgchanged room power levels.01:18:09
2 Jul 2021
@immae:matrix.orgimmae changed their profile picture.17:45:41

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