

402 Members
142 Servers

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26 Mar 2023
@rbutani:matrix.orgrbutani joined the room.01:02:33
@mbdf:matrix.orgMaƫlys Bras de fer set a profile picture.17:20:06
31 Mar 2023
@aprilgrimoire:matrix.orgaprilgrimoire joined the room.20:58:51
2 Apr 2023
@aktaboot:tchncs.deaktaboot left the room.17:18:40
3 Apr 2023
@paki23:matrix.orgdocRekd joined the room.17:08:21
5 Apr 2023
@rimuru:gentoo.chatrimuru (moved to @kaya:catnip.ee) changed their profile picture.12:33:05
@sef:exotic.shsefidel changed their display name from sef to sefidel.13:55:17
6 Apr 2023
@kadawee:cat.casakadawee joined the room.01:05:24
@naufik:matrix.orgnaufik joined the room.01:47:54
7 Apr 2023
@aaronmondal:matrix.orgAaron Siddhartha Mondal joined the room.03:46:20
11 Apr 2023
@buttergrillcorn:matrix.orgbuttergrillcorn joined the room.08:28:13
@sef:exotic.shsefidel changed their profile picture.15:02:29
@sef:exotic.shsefidel changed their profile picture.15:09:39
@sef:exotic.shsefidel changed their profile picture.15:29:23
12 Apr 2023
@errisnotnil:matrix.orgYuddite G joined the room.09:09:34
@andi:kack.itandi- changed their display name from andi- to andi-|m.10:38:43
@andi:kack.itandi- changed their display name from andi-|m to andi-.13:01:21
@sef:exotic.shsefidel changed their profile picture.15:26:03
@sef:exotic.shsefidel changed their profile picture.15:31:25
14 Apr 2023
@siddheshkukade:matrix.orgSiddhesh Bhupendra Kuakde joined the room.10:24:15
@siddheshkukade:matrix.orgSiddhesh Bhupendra Kuakde set a profile picture.10:34:58
@sef:exotic.shsefidel changed their profile picture.13:37:27
@duanin2:duanin2.topDuanin2 joined the room.17:10:50
@networkexception:chat.upi.linetworkException joined the room.20:17:00
15 Apr 2023
@yinfeng:li7g.comYinfeng changed their profile picture.15:05:15
@yinfeng:li7g.comYinfeng changed their profile picture.15:09:11
@yinfeng:li7g.comYinfeng changed their profile picture.15:12:35
16 Apr 2023
@ianluo001:matrix.orgian luo joined the room.02:26:50
@rz_mj:freiburg.socialRZ_MJ joined the room.15:55:15
@errisnotnil:matrix.orgYuddite G changed their profile picture.23:09:24

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