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A room for PHP developers running on Nix22 Servers

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20 May 2024
@genghiz:talk.go7box.xyz@genghiz:talk.go7box.xyz Pol: I've updated the firefly-iii module and updated it to version 6.1.16. I think it's a minor enough update for it to wait until the release and then get backported. 12:18:08
@genghiz:talk.go7box.xyz@genghiz:talk.go7box.xyz * Pol: I've updated the firefly-iii module and updated the package to version 6.1.16. I think it's a minor enough update for it to wait until the release and then get backported. 12:18:15
@drupol:matrix.orgPolcool stuff !12:29:13
@drupol:matrix.orgPol catman: Would you be encline to help me packaging a Drupal service? 12:29:31
@genghiz:talk.go7box.xyz@genghiz:talk.go7box.xyzWouldn't mind12:30:04
@genghiz:talk.go7box.xyz@genghiz:talk.go7box.xyzYou'll have to give me a few hours to have a first stab at it.12:30:19
@drupol:matrix.orgPolI might have very limited availability in the upcoming days, got some personal stuff to finish by the end of September :S12:30:53
@genghiz:talk.go7box.xyz@genghiz:talk.go7box.xyzNot an issue, I'll see what I can do.12:31:19
@drupol:matrix.orgPolMerci :)12:32:06
@drupol:matrix.orgPolCould be a really fun thing to do actually12:32:16
@drupol:matrix.orgPolDrupal is a nice CMS, rock solid, and having it as a service in Nix could be a huge plus.12:32:35
@genghiz:talk.go7box.xyz@genghiz:talk.go7box.xyzThough I'll be honest on my personal servers I try to stay off of PHP as much as possible.12:33:01
@genghiz:talk.go7box.xyz@genghiz:talk.go7box.xyzI used to use privatebin but migrated to microbin just to get off. The need for a web server in front instead of something like haproxy is a but annoying.12:33:37
@genghiz:talk.go7box.xyz@genghiz:talk.go7box.xyz * I used to use privatebin but migrated to microbin just to get off. The need for a web server in front instead of something like haproxy is a bit annoying.12:33:41
@drupol:matrix.orgPolI was also very much involved in the PHP world... until I discovered Nix.12:33:57
@drupol:matrix.orgPolI don't remember the last time I did some PHP to be honest.12:34:08

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