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disko - declarative disk partitioning - https://github.com/nix-community/disko55 Servers

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12 Jul 2024
In reply to @lassulus:lassul.us
fdisk is interactive
you can script it can't you?
pass scripts with commands
In reply to @lassulus:lassul.us
fdisk is interactive
* you can script it can't you?
pass scripts with commands that you would type
@lassulus:lassul.uslassuluswell, yeah, but it's not really good12:01:50
@lassulus:lassul.uslassulusecho 'o;n;100M;w' | fdisk doesn't really read good ;)12:02:18
@nevrv:matrix.orgnrvwell it's not horrible either 12:02:41
@nevrv:matrix.orgnrvconsidering it's all generated code12:02:46
@nevrv:matrix.orgnrvanyway, could be good to have start = 0[whatever] check in disko12:04:07
@lassulus:lassul.uslassulusyeah, that sounds sensible12:04:34
@lassulus:lassul.uslassuluscreate an issue and I will do that on the next disko sprint12:04:52
@lassulus:lassul.uslassulus * create an issue and I will try do that on the next disko sprint12:05:11
@nevrv:matrix.orgnrvi'll probably create 2 issues then :P12:06:24
@nevrv:matrix.orgnrvinherited mountpoint=legacy is not considered it seems12:06:37
14 Jul 2024
@glaringweakness:nope.chat@glaringweakness:nope.chat joined the room.16:37:04
16 Jul 2024
@nairou:matrix.org@nairou:matrix.org joined the room.00:23:52
@tomasharkema:matrix.orgtomasharkema joined the room.01:48:54
@nairou:matrix.org@nairou:matrix.org left the room.13:41:40
17 Jul 2024
@titaniumtown:envs.nettitaniumtown (they/them) joined the room.04:11:25
@titaniumtown:envs.nettitaniumtown (they/them)hello! is there a mechanism to produce a disk image for a platform? I saw https://github.com/nix-community/disko/issues/550 which isn't confidence inspiring. any tips?04:12:44
In reply to @titaniumtown:envs.net
hello! is there a mechanism to produce a disk image for a platform? I saw https://github.com/nix-community/disko/issues/550 which isn't confidence inspiring. any tips?
If you ran disko in a qemu vm inside a nixbuild and pointed it at a sdimage it would work probably. I install to my pi by doing a disko create, disko mount and then nixos-install.
@magic_rb:matrix.redalder.orgmagic_rb* If you ran disko in a qemu vm inside a nixbuild and pointed it at a disk image it would work probably. I install to my pi by doing a disko create, disko mount and then nixos-install.05:18:07
@titaniumtown:envs.nettitaniumtown (they/them)h, ok05:18:37
@titaniumtown:envs.nettitaniumtown (they/them)* hm, ok05:18:40
@titaniumtown:envs.nettitaniumtown (they/them)thank you05:18:42
@magic_rb:matrix.redalder.orgmagic_rbIm not sure hoe you want to handle expanding it05:20:49
@magic_rb:matrix.redalder.orgmagic_rbExpanding btrfs sounds to me like a recipe for disaster, though id say that about using btrfs at all05:21:11
@titaniumtown:envs.nettitaniumtown (they/them)hm true, i'll try and stick with what nixos provides then. i just need to add some partition flags :p05:21:27
@magic_rb:matrix.redalder.orgmagic_rbAnd id also recommend not using btrfs or any oyher fancy fs, use f2fs and tmpfs05:21:34
@titaniumtown:envs.nettitaniumtown (they/them)okie, yea i use f2fs mostly05:21:46
@titaniumtown:envs.nettitaniumtown (they/them)thank you for the tip05:21:56

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