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disko - declarative disk partitioning - https://github.com/nix-community/disko55 Servers

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22 Jun 2024
@bumperboat:matrix.orgbumperboat changed their display name from bumperboat (UTC+1) to bumperboat (UTC+2).16:47:53
23 Jun 2024
@jordy:alkema.coJordy joined the room.15:43:44
@networkexception:chat.upi.li@networkexception:chat.upi.li left the room.21:07:56
24 Jun 2024
@alina:kescher.atalina🏳️‍⚧️🐾 joined the room.13:17:40
Download image.png
@alina:kescher.atalina🏳️‍⚧️🐾what does "passing" a module mean in this context?13:18:19
@alina:kescher.atalina🏳️‍⚧️🐾 * what does "passing" a module mean in this context? isn't a module available globally anyway once imported?13:18:37
@lassulus:lassul.uslassulusa better documentation would have indeed been better for that option. but it's kernel modules which are available for the vm builder. so one can add bcachefs or zfs there or something like that13:21:30
@hexa:lossy.networkhexaor an example 😛 13:22:13
@lassulus:lassul.uslassulus I blame matthewcroughan :P 13:23:20
@matthewcroughan:defenestrate.itmatthewcroughankernel modules 13:23:37
@matthewcroughan:defenestrate.itmatthewcroughanoops 13:23:37
@matthewcroughan:defenestrate.itmatthewcroughansuch as "bcachefs"13:23:50
@lassulus:lassul.uslassulusI will make a PR :D13:24:03
@matthewcroughan:defenestrate.itmatthewcroughanthank you for cleaning up after me13:24:38
In reply to @lassulus:lassul.us
a better documentation would have indeed been better for that option. but it's kernel modules which are available for the vm builder. so one can add bcachefs or zfs there or something like that
i see, thank you
@lassulus:lassul.uslassulus matthewcroughan: https://github.com/nix-community/disko/pull/685 13:26:43
@alina:kescher.atalina🏳️‍⚧️🐾i'm reading the source code to see if what i'm currently coding is too similar from an architectual perspective and if it wouldn't be better to just create a PR, so more stupid questions may arise if that's okay :p13:27:47
In reply to @alina:kescher.at
i'm reading the source code to see if what i'm currently coding is too similar from an architectual perspective and if it wouldn't be better to just create a PR, so more stupid questions may arise if that's okay :p
If the module option is improperly named or is in the wrong place, please suggest something else, would love it
25 Jun 2024
@axiomss:matrix.org@axiomss:matrix.org joined the room.22:06:24
27 Jun 2024
@colemickens:matrix.orgcolemickenshi yall, I'm trying to use a Hetzner volume for nix+home, but when I do this, it breaks nixos-anywhere: https://github.com/colemickens/nixcfg/commit/905507248b37c782a69d7fbd1ab1509e750b743b02:34:54
@colemickens:matrix.orgcolemickensany advice?02:34:56
machine will boot into nixos in 6s...
+ echo machine will boot into nixos in 6s...
+ test -e /dev/kmsg
+ exec
Warning: Permanently added '' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.
Warning: Permanently added '' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.
ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection timed out
ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host

and it just repeats the last line forever

@colemickens:matrix.orgcolemickensIf I don't enable disk2, the naive regular hetzner nixos-anywhere deploy seems to work fine.02:35:35
@colemickens:matrix.orgcolemickens (fixing disk2.content.partitions."nix".name doesn't seem to fix it) 02:42:48
@colemickens:matrix.orgcolemickensdoes disko have an idempotent mode of operation? I want to use it with nixos-anywhere to have ephemeral hetzner instances with a persistent volume04:29:36
@colemickens:matrix.orgcolemickensinitial tests indicates that disko seems to happily just reformat the persistent disk :/04:29:48
@colemickens:matrix.orgcolemickenssurely there must be a "skipFormat" option i can set for subsequent deploys after initial setup, right?04:30:11

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