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8 Jun 2024
@wieldable9080:matrix.im🎈 Always
In reply to @lassulus:lassul.us
hmm, ok, reading the code again, it should also work with a mountpoint set
i think i took this code from the main repo :D
@wieldable9080:matrix.im🎈 Alwaysi mean, except the subvolume naming15:21:12
@lassulus:lassul.uslassuluswhats the error you see on boot?15:24:17
@wieldable9080:matrix.im🎈 Always
In reply to @lassulus:lassul.us
whats the error you see on boot?
timeout waiting for the device which somewhere shows as this swap swap
@wieldable9080:matrix.im🎈 Always
In reply to @lassulus:lassul.us
whats the error you see on boot?
9 Jun 2024
@magic_rb:matrix.redalder.orgmagic_rb joined the room.14:19:18
11 Jun 2024
@thevilsol:matrix.orgVilsolWhat is the intended way of using disko when doing a clean install with an existing config? Or do I need to do a non-graphical (manual) install?10:12:25
In reply to @thevilsol:matrix.org
What is the intended way of using disko when doing a clean install with an existing config? Or do I need to do a non-graphical (manual) install?
Get your hardware configuration, and delete the fileSystems options. Import your disko configuration in your configuration.nix, and use disko-install to format and install the system.
@netpleb:matrix.orgnetplebif I want disko to make a partition but not cause the partition to be formatted or mounted, how do I do that?16:33:19
@wieldable9080:matrix.im🎈 Always
In reply to @netpleb:matrix.org
if I want disko to make a partition but not cause the partition to be formatted or mounted, how do I do that?
Ammm, I saw this message and came to find out, like, what do you mean by "make"??
In reply to @wieldable9080:matrix.im
Ammm, I saw this message and came to find out, like, what do you mean by "make"??
I have a disk-config.nix that does my partitioning for whenever provision a new instance of this type of machine (so I am just using nixos-anywhere ...). Can I just leave out the mountPoint and mountOptions in that disk-config?
In reply to @wieldable9080:matrix.im
Ammm, I saw this message and came to find out, like, what do you mean by "make"??
* I have a disk-config.nix that does my partitioning for whenever provision a new instance of this type of machine (so I am just using nixos-anywhere ...). Can I just leave out the mountPoint and mountOptions in that disk-config for that partition?

here is the disk-config.nix:

  disko.devices = {
    disk = {
      sda = {
        type = "disk";
        device = "/dev/sda";
        content = {
          type = "gpt";
          partitions = {
            boot = {
              name = "boot";
              size = "1M";
              type = "EF02";
            esp = {
              name = "ESP";
              size = "500M";
              type = "EF00";
              content = {
                type = "filesystem";
                format = "vfat";
                mountpoint = "/boot";
            root = {
              size = "40G";
              content = {
                type = "btrfs";
                extraArgs = [ "-f" ]; # Override existing partition
                mountpoint = "/";
                mountOptions = [ "compress=zstd" "noatime" ];
            data = {
              size = "100%";
              content = {
                # type = "btrfs";
                extraArgs = [ "-f" ]; # Override existing partition
                # mountpoint = "/data";
                # mountOptions = [ "compress=zstd" "noatime" ];

I want that partition currently called "data" to not be mounted and I also do not really even care if it is formatted. I just want the partition to exist. Does that make sense?

@netpleb:matrix.orgnetpleb *

here is the disk-config.nix:

  disko.devices = {
    disk = {
      sda = {
        type = "disk";
        device = "/dev/sda";
        content = {
          type = "gpt";
          partitions = {
            boot = {
              name = "boot";
              size = "1M";
              type = "EF02";
            esp = {
              name = "ESP";
              size = "500M";
              type = "EF00";
              content = {
                type = "filesystem";
                format = "vfat";
                mountpoint = "/boot";
            root = {
              size = "40G";
              content = {
                type = "btrfs";
                extraArgs = [ "-f" ]; # Override existing partition
                mountpoint = "/";
                mountOptions = [ "compress=zstd" "noatime" ];
            data = {
              size = "100%";
              content = {
                type = "btrfs";
                extraArgs = [ "-f" ]; # Override existing partition
                # mountpoint = "/data";
                # mountOptions = [ "compress=zstd" "noatime" ];

I want that partition currently called "data" to not be mounted and I also do not really even care if it is formatted. I just want the partition to exist. Does that make sense?

@netpleb:matrix.orgnetpleb actually, I figured it out. Looks like just leaving out the mountPoint and mountOptions attributes did the trick! 16:46:49
@netpleb:matrix.orgnetpleb * actually, I figured it out. Looks like just leaving out the mountPoint and mountOptions attributes did the trick! (I did still have to specify the type = btrfs attribute, which is fine. Is there some sort of type = raw where it just does no formatting? 16:47:40
@lassulus:lassul.uslassulusYou can leave content empty in the partition16:54:39
@networkexception:chat.upi.li@networkexception:chat.upi.li changed their display name from networkException to networkException (moving to @networkexception:nwex.de).18:33:42
12 Jun 2024
@networkexception:nwex.denetworkException joined the room.15:31:09
@matthewcroughan:defenestrate.itmatthewcroughanHow come the homeless-shelter is found on images built with disko?17:38:24
@matthewcroughan:defenestrate.itmatthewcroughan I have /homeless-shelter 17:38:30
@matthewcroughan:defenestrate.itmatthewcroughanmaybe because of leaky builds?17:38:36
@maralorn:maralorn.demaralornMy luks prompt on boot says "password for disk disk-system-system-vault (system)" which is annoyingly redundant. 😄19:13:40
@maralorn:maralorn.demaralornI can change three things now the name of the disk in disko, the name of the partition and the name of the mounted luks container.19:14:35
@maralorn:maralorn.demaralornQuestion 1: Which of those identifiers is stateful on disk? i.e. I need to change it before I can reboot successfully.19:15:31
@maralorn:maralorn.demaralornQuestion 2: Any recommendations how to call what?^^19:15:48
@maralorn:maralorn.demaralornFigured it out.20:11:06
@maralorn:maralorn.demaralornNeeded to change the partition labels nothing else. I actually got that right one reboot, no recovery needed. Kinda proud. 😄20:12:02
@maralorn:maralorn.demaralorn * Needed to change the partition labels nothing else. I actually got that right. One reboot, no recovery needed. Kinda proud. 😄20:12:13
@maralorn:maralorn.demaralornNow it says "disk-nixos-zeus-system-vaulat (crypted-root-fs)" much more informative.20:12:49

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