
Nix Zürich

60 Members
https://zurich.nix.ug/ - Next ZHF event 23-24 November 202412 Servers

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16 Oct 2024
@sliedes:hacklab.fiSami LiedesAha :D08:30:33
@sliedes:hacklab.fiSami LiedesGood to know!08:30:40
@ners:nixos.devners@room apologies for the confusion, the next meetup is next week, on 23 Oct: https://www.meetup.com/nix-zurich/events/304024757/08:31:12
@ners:nixos.devners * @room apologies for the confusion, the next meetup is next week, on 23 Oct: https://www.meetup.com/nix-zurich/events/304024757/ Regardless of what the preview says 🤦08:31:33
@nebucatnetzer13:matrix.orgnebucatnetzer13 Oh good I checked the chat again. I don’t know if I have time next week as I travel to Berlin next day.
But I try to make it.
@infinisil:matrix.orginfinisilYeah and I'll already be in Berlin next week, won't make it, but enjoy!14:52:15
23 Oct 2024
@sliedes:hacklab.fiSami LiedesAbout today's meetup: Will I make a strategic mistake if I come well fed? :)13:52:34
@nebucatnetzer13:matrix.orgnebucatnetzer13Last time we had a late pizza so you should be good unless they have other plans this time.14:04:49
@john-rodewald:nixos.devjohn-rodewaldNo other plans. :)14:16:53

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