
Nix Zürich

61 Members
https://zurich.nix.ug/ - Next ZHF event 23-24 November 202413 Servers

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23 Oct 2024
@matthewcroughan:defenestrate.itmatthewcroughan joined the room.18:50:31
@sliedes:hacklab.fiSami LiedesI was asked to share this amateur poetry here :) *The Museum of Forgotten Hours* In the catacombs of yesterlight, Lies a crumbling crypt, a museum, Where velvet ropes restrain the past. Tick-tock teeth gnaw at willpower's bones, Calendars vomit deadlines, a splatter Of tomorrows smeared on yesterday's floor. A flock of umbrellas ascends the sky, Arguing with rain over who owns the air. Porcelain flowers bloom, delicate lies, Ambition pulls on invisible ties, A puppet master without puppets. Hamster choirs hum in corporate wheels, Sing somber songs, rewinding the hours We never spent. Dreams waltz with weary insomnia, A ballroom of mismatched dancers. Productivity pixies pinch the purse of sleep, The clock’s cold claws, like death's own fingers, Burn daylight from midnight’s wick, iron grip on souls. Success ladders stretch to nowhere skies, To-do list monsters in nightmares prowl. A curator wind reorders the air, Paychecks plaster over soul-sucking sighs, Papering cracks that widen with each breath. We, early worms, lie dust-bound, unaware, Swallowed whole by the vulture of time. In the circus of take-more-than-you-give, Where reality fractures and the mind clicks, Juggling illusions, we misplace fragile truths— Forgotten exhibits gathering dust, We forget why we live. 21:27:05

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