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16 Mar 2024
@oldaq:matrix.orgPablo EscodebarEveryone: feel free to make pull requests with improvements and explanations of the improvements so I can further learn the language and the ecosystem 😊😘15:52:35
19 Mar 2024
@mjolnir:nixos.orgNixOS Moderation Botchanged room power levels.00:29:50
21 Mar 2024
@oldaq:matrix.orgPablo Escodebar fricklerhandwerk: thanks for the inputs. They started some discussions which made me learn and understand some conventions better. 15:49:26
@oldaq:matrix.orgPablo EscodebarAlso, the exercise was really really worth it. I am so much more confident now when reading nix code. Previously I was totally overwhelmed, now, I can interpret nix code correctly. Can recomment my approach to learning nix to every beginner 😊15:51:10
@oldaq:matrix.orgPablo EscodebarWill definitely share the approach in all the SoCraTes Unconferences I go to ☺️15:51:37
@mjolnir:nixos.orgNixOS Moderation Botchanged room power levels.18:02:47
@ners:nixos.devners@room we're on for 11. April! https://www.meetup.com/nix-zurich/events/299934110/18:03:17
@ners:nixos.devners * @room we're on for 11. April at Rivero! https://www.meetup.com/nix-zurich/events/299934110/18:04:29
22 Mar 2024
@sant0s:matrix.orgSantos joined the room.08:09:58
25 Mar 2024
@oldaq:matrix.orgPablo Escodebar

I started another iteration of implementing the game of life with nix, this time using nix-unit.

I’m kind of lost.

Can someone provide a repo with a “add” function and a simple test, so I have a structure and understand better how to work with nix-unit?

@mrcjk:matrix.orgMarc Jakobi
nix flake init "github:mrcjkb/flakes#nix-unit"
@mrcjk:matrix.orgMarc Jakobi Has one succeeding and one failing test for an add function 14:53:57
@mrcjk:matrix.orgMarc Jakobi *
nix flake init -t "github:mrcjkb/flakes#nix-unit"
@oldaq:matrix.orgPablo Escodebar Thanks Marc Jakobi! I appreciate it a lot! 15:33:27
26 Mar 2024
@mrcjk:matrix.orgMarc Jakobi

I'm trying to package some proprietary garbage with buildFSHEnv[Bubblewrap]. It expects to be able to create a license file in /opt/<pkg-name>.

Does anyone have some pointers that could help me figure out to get this working?

@mrcjk:matrix.orgMarc Jakobi 🤔I think I can use buildFSHEnvBubblewrap in the installPhase and initialise the license there. 14:06:16
@mrcjk:matrix.orgMarc JakobiThat seems to work 🤦14:22:09
@ners:nixos.devnersPlease share the thing you're packaging, a friend of mine has a similar piece of proprietary software that he'd like to package with FHS.14:51:04
@mrcjk:matrix.orgMarc JakobiWill do, once I'm done. I might still have some quirks to iron out.14:51:50
@mrcjk:matrix.orgMarc JakobiOut of curiosity, what is your friend packaging?14:52:03
@mrcjk:matrix.orgMarc Jakobi

This is what I have so far:

# in mkDerivation
  installPhase = ''
    cp -r ./ $out/
    ${buildFHSEnvBubblewrap {
      name = "falconctl";
      runScript = "$out/opt/CrowdStrike/falconctl";
      extraBwrapArgs = ["--bind $out/opt /opt"];

And then, with another wrapper:

  falcond = buildFHSEnvBubblewrap {
    name = "falcond";
    targetPkgs = pkgs: [falcon-sensor-unwrapped libnl openssl];
    runScript = "${falcon-sensor-unwrapped}/opt/CrowdStrike/falcond";
    extraBwrapArgs = [
      "--bind \"$HOME\"/.local/share/CrowdStrike/falconstore ${falcon-sensor-unwrapped}/opt/CrowdStrike/falconstore"

I'm working on a nixos module where the systemd service copies the falconstore file from the -unwrapped package to the .local/share location.

28 Mar 2024
@das-g:matrix.orgdas-gIs anyone from Rivero in this room here?12:35:55
@ners:nixos.devners Yeah, Dominic Egger 15:33:21
@mrcjk:matrix.orgMarc JakobiWell, this ended up failing for me because the app runs in kernel space and has a whitelist of supported kernels 🙉15:40:02
@das-g:matrix.orgdas-g Who at Rivero names the company's products, Dominic Egger? Are there Esperanto speakers among you?
Kiu ĉe Rivero nomas la produktojn de la firmao? Ĉu estas Esperantistoj inter vi?
@graf_blutwurst:matrix.orgDominic Eggeri don't think we have an esperanto speaker. you'd have to ask my boss what that is about tbh18:05:42
30 Mar 2024
@oldaq:matrix.orgPablo Escodebar

Is there a reason why there is no powerline vim plugin?

Defining one looks almost as easy as:

pkgs.vimUtils.buildVimPlugin {
  name = “powerline”;
  src = “${pkgs.powerline}/share/vim”;

(Well… of course… there is some more to it, since we depend on python etc.)

But maybe there’s something which I am missing and it’s totally unnecessary to use buildVimPlugin.

What is your approach?

@mrcjk:matrix.orgMarc Jakobi
In reply to @oldaq:matrix.org

Is there a reason why there is no powerline vim plugin?

Defining one looks almost as easy as:

pkgs.vimUtils.buildVimPlugin {
  name = “powerline”;
  src = “${pkgs.powerline}/share/vim”;

(Well… of course… there is some more to it, since we depend on python etc.)

But maybe there’s something which I am missing and it’s totally unnecessary to use buildVimPlugin.

What is your approach?

Plugins that can't be generated with the updater need to be added manually (see for example vim-clap) or, if they just need something added on top of the generated nix, overridden.

As for why it hasn't been added yet. There probably just hasn't been a nix user who uses the plugin yet.

31 Mar 2024
@oldaq:matrix.orgPablo Escodebar
In reply to @mrcjk:matrix.org

Plugins that can't be generated with the updater need to be added manually (see for example vim-clap) or, if they just need something added on top of the generated nix, overridden.

As for why it hasn't been added yet. There probably just hasn't been a nix user who uses the plugin yet.

I’ve been digging into it… and I don’t know how to solve this yet (probably because I don’t know enough about Nix yet).

The powerline plugin depends on python and the powerline module… and it has to change vim’s python sys.path. Awkwardly enough, vim’s python sys.path is different from the shell’s sys.path (vim’s one not including the path to the site-packages where the powerline module is located).

@mrcjk:matrix.orgMarc Jakobi
In reply to @oldaq:matrix.org

I’ve been digging into it… and I don’t know how to solve this yet (probably because I don’t know enough about Nix yet).

The powerline plugin depends on python and the powerline module… and it has to change vim’s python sys.path. Awkwardly enough, vim’s python sys.path is different from the shell’s sys.path (vim’s one not including the path to the site-packages where the powerline module is located).

From what I can tell, powerline isn't a vim plugin in the traditional sense, and it's already been packaged.

It integrates with vim, but you need to build vim with python3 support, or use neovim (which has python3 support enabled by default).


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