
Exotic Nix Targets

245 Members
81 Servers

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1 Oct 2024
@-_o:matrix.org-_o joined the room.20:59:15
4 Oct 2024
@terrorjack:matrix.terrorjack.comterrorjack joined the room.17:36:17
7 Oct 2024
@memegames99:matrix.org@memegames99:matrix.org removed their profile picture.00:05:38
@memegames99:matrix.org@memegames99:matrix.org removed their display name memegames99.00:05:49
@memegames99:matrix.org@memegames99:matrix.org left the room.00:06:06
@lehmanator:tchncs.deSam Lehman changed their profile picture.14:24:18
11 Oct 2024
@amy:catgirl.cloudAmy joined the room.19:43:01
16 Oct 2024
@hive:the-apothecary.clubion changed their profile picture.20:04:34
17 Oct 2024
@joerg:thalheim.ioMic92 changed their display name from Mic92 to Mic3000.06:51:17
@joerg:thalheim.ioMic92 changed their display name from Mic3000 to Mic3000 🌋.06:51:46
@joerg:thalheim.ioMic92 changed their display name from Mic3000 🌋 to Mic92.12:22:31

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