
Exotic Nix Targets

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19 Jun 2024
@zachcoyle:matrix.orgZach joined the room.21:23:45
20 Jun 2024
@yuka:yuka.dev@yuka:yuka.dev left the room.13:45:23
@Ericson2314:matrix.orgJohn Ericson rhelmot: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/321301 new one good for review 17:07:10
@Ericson2314:matrix.orgJohn EricsonAlso it would be nice if you could do the same thing for FreeBSD :)17:07:21
@Ericson2314:matrix.orgJohn Ericson rhelmot: am I missing some thing about camel case for libcMinimal? 20:04:38
@Ericson2314:matrix.orgJohn Ericson fair enough with systemdMinimal 20:05:15
21 Jun 2024
@samueldr:matrix.org@samueldr:matrix.org left the room.06:07:26
@wilhelmvon:matrix.org@wilhelmvon:matrix.org joined the room.09:15:56
@linus:schreibt.jetzt@linus:schreibt.jetzt left the room.14:05:33
22 Jun 2024
@lotte:chir.rs@lotte:chir.rs left the room.19:22:09
23 Jun 2024
@networkexception:chat.upi.li@networkexception:chat.upi.li left the room.21:21:11
24 Jun 2024
@hive:the-apothecary.clubLi-ion changed their profile picture.23:17:23
27 Jun 2024
@bl0v3:matrix.orgbl0v3 joined the room.22:23:14
@bl0v3:matrix.orgbl0v3i got this IBM mainframe (Z10) 22:23:44
@bl0v3:matrix.orgbl0v3guess that means s390x (assuming X is the 64 bit one)22:24:02
@bl0v3:matrix.orgbl0v3since these can run linux and rhel / ubuntu are officially supported22:24:41
@bl0v3:matrix.orgbl0v3i was wondering if i should attempt to run nixos on that, does anyone have experience with these devices or even attempted to run nixos on them in the past?22:25:37
@bl0v3:matrix.orgbl0v3i do know how to use pkgsCross / binfmt and how the outputs / stages etc etc work 22:26:50
@bl0v3:matrix.orgbl0v3and wrote/fixed countless drvs / modules but that was just fox riscv22:27:15
@bl0v3:matrix.orgbl0v3i have no clue how these mainframes work though, what bootloaders are available and or if there are some special reqiurements for the kernel. D'de22:28:59
@bl0v3:matrix.orgbl0v3if anyone has some thoughts or suggestions to share on how to go on about this most ideally please let me know, note however i do not plan to turn this into anything serious or think there'd be much use for it. Id essentially just see if it can be done, write a small blogpost about it. run the infamous neofetch on it once and thats about it22:32:29
@bl0v3:matrix.orgbl0v3so i don't exactly need it to be lets say in the state risc-v is currently at, but it would be nice to actually generate a proper bootable image and have an install target (bootloader directive) or sth. Like im looking to close the gap between making a tarball or whatever and actually installing it22:35:14
@bl0v3:matrix.orgbl0v3ideally id like to get this to a point where i could build an iso (or whatever this thing can boot from) and setup the drives ideally declarative via disko or sth 22:36:43
@bl0v3:matrix.orgbl0v3its ok if some packages wont' build right away or ever im already used to that from riscv but like it would still be nice to at least get the minimal profile or sth to work so that i don't have to use crossPackages and can select generations from the bootloader somehow 22:38:17
Download image.png
@bl0v3:matrix.orgbl0v3its sorta old but this is how it looks, like that model I got here to play with22:39:27
@bl0v3:matrix.orgbl0v3as i recall what id need to do is get the bootstrap packages to compile and write a module to provide whatever is used as a bootloader on these22:40:16
28 Jun 2024
@trofi:matrix.orgtrofiyeah, getting bootstrap tools to cross-compile is a good first step. could start at https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/stdenv/linux/make-bootstrap-tools-cross.nix05:20:38
@trofi:matrix.orgtrofihttps://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/314823 might also be useful05:23:54

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