
Exotic Nix Targets

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26 May 2024
@samueldr:matrix.org@samueldr:matrix.org left the room.20:35:54
27 May 2024
@rustyh4x0r:matrix.orgRusty joined the room.09:06:39
28 May 2024
@raitobezarius:matrix.orgraitobezariusdid someone already boot a LicheeRV Nano with NixOS or similar?18:10:20
@raitobezarius:matrix.orgraitobezariusor maybe a Nix-based operating system (256MB of RAM is a bit short)18:10:33
In reply to @raitobezarius:matrix.org
or maybe a Nix-based operating system (256MB of RAM is a bit short)
256MiB of RAM with NixOS should be possible, assuming you cross-compile it.
The default system doesn't use very much (I have a RPi3 with some lightweight servers on it running at <256MiB used).
@artemist:mildlyfunctional.gayartemistIt's possible to natively build nix with such a slow machine but it take a long time (bootstrapping up to lix on a raspberry pi 1 failed about 2 weeks in due to a meson test)20:55:44
@alex:tunstall.xyzAlexYes, but I doubt you can build every package in the default system with <256 MiB of memory.20:56:39
@artemist:mildlyfunctional.gayartemisti'm using swap20:58:06
@alex:tunstall.xyzAlexI guess that can work if you're willing to put up with the extreme time cost of thrashing.20:59:04
@7c6f434c:nitro.chat7c6f434cNBD ramdisk swap?…20:59:43
@raitobezarius:matrix.orgraitobezariusyeah i was not planning to build on the machine21:00:23
@raitobezarius:matrix.orgraitobezariuscross compilation and go brr21:00:28
In reply to @alex:tunstall.xyz
256MiB of RAM with NixOS should be possible, assuming you cross-compile it.
The default system doesn't use very much (I have a RPi3 with some lightweight servers on it running at <256MiB used).
yeah i suppose so
@artemist:mildlyfunctional.gayartemistYou could also use the LicheeRV Nano in ARM mode, but that sounds boring21:02:03
@raitobezarius:matrix.orgraitobezariusit's against my religion21:11:48
@raitobezarius:matrix.orgraitobezariusbut i checked out their software repo and i think the road is a bit long until i get a NixOS system entirely set up for that21:12:19
@raitobezarius:matrix.orgraitobezariusi wanted to do it with no UART, 100% blind21:12:28
29 May 2024
@hive:the-apothecary.clubLi-ion changed their profile picture.16:44:47
@hive:the-apothecary.clubLi-ion changed their profile picture.16:47:21
@raitobezarius:matrix.orgraitobezarius changed their display name from raitobezarius to raitobezarius (DECT: 7248).17:09:21
30 May 2024
@colin:uninsane.orgColin joined the room.13:40:09
@colin:uninsane.orgColinare alternative init systems (openrc, s6, ...) considered exotic nix targets?14:15:28
@colin:uninsane.orgColinor if not, where to talk with others who are using such things in nix environments?14:17:25
@raitobezarius:matrix.orgraitobezariusliminix is using s614:19:47
@raitobezarius:matrix.orgraitobezariusi am not so sure who is using openrc14:19:53
@raitobezarius:matrix.orgraitobezariusbut i think here is mostly fine14:20:10
@raitobezarius:matrix.orgraitobezariusbut liminix author is not here14:20:14
@colin:uninsane.orgColinoh, cool. i'll lurk in oftc #liminix and see what i catch there14:23:35

i'm using s6 for user services instead of the default systemd --user for a few months now, and i do enough weird stuff that i'm thinking if it wouldn't be simpler to push that lower and not even use systemd's system service manager

1 Jun 2024
@artemis:arty.chatartemis changed their profile picture.21:21:48

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