
Exotic Nix Targets

246 Members
81 Servers

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11 Feb 2024
@raitobezarius:matrix.orgraitobezarius rhelmot: let me know if you want me to post it 18:41:07
@rhelmot:matrix.orgrhelmotYes, please post it19:45:49
In reply to @rhelmot:matrix.org
Yes, please post it
13 Feb 2024
@theesm:lispy.eu@theesm:lispy.eu left the room.09:27:03
@snektron:matrix.orgSnektron misuzu: you're still using your vf2 right? Have you run into a kernel panic in starfive_rsa_enc_core recently? 18:56:49
@snektron:matrix.orgSnektronim using the most recent version of the starfive-tech/linux kernel18:57:04
@snektron:matrix.orgSnektronok, i just disabled it and now it works20:18:53
14 Feb 2024
@noiobeforebedtime:winesj.com@noiobeforebedtime:winesj.com changed their display name from Jackoe to Jack.02:12:15
@noiobeforebedtime:winesj.com@noiobeforebedtime:winesj.com changed their display name from Jack to Jack_.20:09:56
15 Feb 2024
In reply to @snektron:matrix.org
misuzu: you're still using your vf2 right? Have you run into a kernel panic in starfive_rsa_enc_core recently?
I'm using https://github.com/starfive-tech/linux/tree/JH7110_VisionFive2_upstream, had no issues with it
In reply to @snektron:matrix.org
misuzu: you're still using your vf2 right? Have you run into a kernel panic in starfive_rsa_enc_core recently?
* I'm using https://github.com/starfive-tech/linux/tree/JH7110_VisionFive2_upstream, had no issues with it recently
17 Feb 2024
@SeTSeR:matrix.orgWhite Whale joined the room.18:05:59
27 Feb 2024
@neuroserve:matrix.orgneuroserve set a profile picture.17:17:50
1 Mar 2024
@tomberek:matrix.orgtomberek set a profile picture.15:20:47
2 Mar 2024
@m00dy:matrix.orgmoody changed their display name from m00dy to moody.22:36:28
3 Mar 2024
@link2xt:matrix.orglink2xt joined the room.14:57:40
@hive:the-apothecary.clubLi-ion changed their profile picture.23:29:22
@hive:the-apothecary.clubLi-ion changed their display name from Dr. Worm to Dagn Hive.23:30:51
8 Mar 2024
@noiobeforebedtime:winesj.com@noiobeforebedtime:winesj.com changed their display name from Jack_ to Jack​.05:36:17
9 Mar 2024
@jee_mj:matrix.orgmj joined the room.03:36:08
10 Mar 2024
@artemist:mildlyfunctional.gayartemist joined the room.02:56:47
@nuko:shimeji.cafe@nuko:shimeji.cafe joined the room.22:33:07
11 Mar 2024
@sky1e:mildlyfunctional.gaysky1e joined the room.01:14:41
14 Mar 2024
@federicodschonborn:matrix.org@federicodschonborn:matrix.org left the room.02:03:52

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