
Exotic Nix Targets

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11 Feb 2024
In reply to @raitobezarius:matrix.org
rhelmot: Would you mind if I had a summary of https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/254801#issuecomment-1937118809 for posting a news entry on the FreeBSD support in Nix(pkgs)?
Sure! Do you just want me to write a summary of that one comment? Where is it being posted, for tone reasons?
@raitobezarius:matrix.orgraitobezarius #thisweek-feed:nixos.org #thisweek:nixos.org 16:36:24
@raitobezarius:matrix.orgraitobezariusyou can either write your post yourself in a self service way by going to the 2nd channel16:36:37
@rhelmot:matrix.orgrhelmot Ok one sec 16:36:38
@raitobezarius:matrix.orgraitobezariusand I can ack it and it will be posted to the feed16:36:43
@raitobezarius:matrix.orgraitobezariusif you want inspiration: https://matrix.org/category/this-week-in-matrix/16:36:59

Enhanced FreeBSD support for nix and nixpkgs is on its way thanks to rhelmot and artemist! As of this week, nix support for sandboxed building with FreeBSD jails is an open pull request, along with a fully fledged stdenv for native use of nix on FreeBSD. Progress is ongoing to support desktop environments and a full FreeBSD-based nixos platform.

Due to a review of the FreeBSD backwards compatibility capabilities, the platform tuple was able to change to drop the major version number. Packages will be built by default for the lowest supported version of FreeBSD (14 at present), but can be built to take advantage of newer features by specifying build parameters.

For more information, check out https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/254801#issuecomment-1937118809

@rhelmot:matrix.orgrhelmot Does that sound good raitobezarius 17:09:39
@rhelmot:matrix.orgrhelmot My hope for CI was to be able to do a fully-featured set of auto builders that has feature parity with the Linux stuff. 17:12:27
@raitobezarius:matrix.orgraitobezarius very good rhelmot ! 18:33:18
@raitobezarius:matrix.orgraitobezarius rhelmot: let me know if you want me to post it 18:41:07
@rhelmot:matrix.orgrhelmotYes, please post it19:45:49
In reply to @rhelmot:matrix.org
Yes, please post it
13 Feb 2024
@theesm:lispy.eu@theesm:lispy.eu left the room.09:27:03
@snektron:matrix.orgSnektron misuzu: you're still using your vf2 right? Have you run into a kernel panic in starfive_rsa_enc_core recently? 18:56:49
@snektron:matrix.orgSnektronim using the most recent version of the starfive-tech/linux kernel18:57:04
@snektron:matrix.orgSnektronok, i just disabled it and now it works20:18:53
14 Feb 2024
@noiobeforebedtime:winesj.com@noiobeforebedtime:winesj.com changed their display name from Jackoe to Jack.02:12:15
@noiobeforebedtime:winesj.com@noiobeforebedtime:winesj.com changed their display name from Jack to Jack_.20:09:56
15 Feb 2024
In reply to @snektron:matrix.org
misuzu: you're still using your vf2 right? Have you run into a kernel panic in starfive_rsa_enc_core recently?
I'm using https://github.com/starfive-tech/linux/tree/JH7110_VisionFive2_upstream, had no issues with it
In reply to @snektron:matrix.org
misuzu: you're still using your vf2 right? Have you run into a kernel panic in starfive_rsa_enc_core recently?
* I'm using https://github.com/starfive-tech/linux/tree/JH7110_VisionFive2_upstream, had no issues with it recently
17 Feb 2024
@SeTSeR:matrix.orgWhite Whale joined the room.18:05:59
27 Feb 2024
@neuroserve:matrix.orgneuroserve set a profile picture.17:17:50

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