
NixOS Perl

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9 Oct 2024
@stigo:matrix.orgstigo * For the next staging cycle we've been thinking (Marcus and I) to: 1) Update perlPackages 2) Remove perl538 and only keep one perl5 package going forward 08:38:58
@stigo:matrix.orgstigo *

For the next staging cycle we've been thinking (Marcus and I) to:

  1. Complete a bulk update of perlPackages
  2. Remove perl538 and only keep one perl5 package going forward

Keeping two perls seems to have limited value imho, as the versions are usually quite backwards compatible, and there are very few references in nixpkgs to perl538.

I think keeping a perl5 and perl5Packages makes more sense and instead add a perl7 when/if it is released, if it breaks some backwards compat.

@stigo:matrix.orgstigo *

Keeping two perls seems to have limited value imho, as the versions are usually quite backwards compatible, and there are very few references in nixpkgs to perl538 and they can be fixed of course.

I think keeping a perl5 and perl5Packages makes more sense and instead add a perl7 when/if it is released, if it breaks some backwards compat.

@stigo:matrix.orgstigo *

Keeping two perls seems to have limited value imho, as the versions are usually quite backwards compatible, and there are very few references in nixpkgs to perl538 and they can be fixed of course.

I think keeping a perl5 and perl5Packages makes more sense and instead add a perl7 when/if it is released, and if it breaks some backwards compat.

@ajs124:ajs124.deajs124Sounds like a plan. I trust you to have the insight to make this decision.08:46:58
@stigo:matrix.orgstigo(I do really hope perl7 will break backwards compat by enabling modern features by default and disabling some old cruft, but... dreams)08:50:03
17 Oct 2024
@joerg:thalheim.ioMic92 changed their display name from Mic92 to Mic3000.06:51:17
@joerg:thalheim.ioMic92 changed their display name from Mic3000 to Mic3000 🌋.06:51:46
@joerg:thalheim.ioMic92 changed their display name from Mic3000 🌋 to Mic92.12:22:31
19 Oct 2024
@stigo:matrix.orgstigo Started working on a new set of perl updates in the perl-updates branch, currently it removes perl538 and keeps one perl as perl5. This PR will contain a mass updated as well: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/349743 11:27:25
@stigo:matrix.orgstigo * Started working on a new set of perl updates in the perl-updates branch, currently it removes perl538 and keeps one perl as perl5. This PR will contain a mass update of perlPackages as well: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/349743 11:32:49
23 Oct 2024
@luna-null:matrix.orgluna-null changed their display name from Autumn to luna-null.09:49:13
25 Oct 2024
@lholh:matrix.orglholh joined the room.03:54:29
@lholh:matrix.orglholh left the room.22:42:00
1 Nov 2024
@tomasajt:matrix.orgToma joined the room.20:07:14
8 Nov 2024
@jschvz:matrix.orgjschvz joined the room.02:57:01
13 Nov 2024
@inayet:matrix.orginayet joined the room.22:15:17
20 Nov 2024
@inayet:matrix.orginayet removed their profile picture.00:59:23
27 Nov 2024
@stigo:matrix.orgstigo changed their display name from stigo to stigo (away).20:49:35
1 Dec 2024
@vcunat:matrix.orgvcunat Is there someone who knows/follows Nix::, i.e. the perl bindings for Nix? 07:59:39
@vcunat:matrix.orgvcunat Apparently <nixpkgs/maintainers/scripts/copy-tarballs.pl> needs some changes to stay compatible with the current default version of Nix. 08:01:42
@stigo:matrix.orgstigoIs there an easy way to test/reproduce?15:07:39
@vcunat:matrix.orgvcunatI could... deploy it :-D 15:13:51
@vcunat:matrix.orgvcunatBut if you run it now, it should fail on line 25 already.15:15:30
env NIX_PATH=nixpkgs=. ./maintainers/scripts/copy-tarballs.pl

Undefined subroutine &main::isValidPath called at ./maintainers/scripts/copy-tarballs.pl line 25.
@vcunat:matrix.orgvcunatAfterwards it deals with AWS a lot, so I think deploying it to infra will be the best way to test in this case.15:17:49
@vcunat:matrix.orgvcunat stigo (away): by a quick glance I suspect that we might need some new Nix::Store now and do calls like ->isValidPath(foo) 15:20:37

I think you are right, looking at tests in CppNix src/perl/t/init.t the usage appears to be something like:

my $s = new Nix::Store("dummy://");
my $res = $s->isValidPath("/nix/store/g1w7hy3qg1w7hy3qg1w7hy3qg1w7hy3q-bar");
@stigo:matrix.orgstigo Can't see any reason why isValidPath should be exported by default by Nix::Store, so weird if this has worked before? 15:48:51

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