
NixOS Perl

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6 Nov 2023
In reply to @adam:robins.wtf
Ok, so I’ll remove any that we’re providing and see where that takes me 

Managed to get slimserver.pl not fail at compiling by providing the following buildInputs

  buildInputs = with perlPackages; [ DBI EV ClassXSAccessor DBDSQLite CarpClan FileSlurp ExporterLite XMLParser HTMLParser JSONXS DigestSHA1 YAMLLibYAML SubName CryptOpenSSLRSA IOSocketSSL
                                     AnyEvent ClassDataInheritable ClassInspector DBIxClass DataURIEncode FileBOM FileNext
                                     FileWhich IOString TieCacheLRUExpires ImageScale JSONXS JSONXSVersionOneAndTwo LogLog4perl PathClass ProcBackground SQLAbstract TextUnidecode
                                     TieCacheLRU TieRegexpHash XMLSimple URIFind HTTPDaemon DataDump

And removed the CPAN directory in prePatch with rm -r CPAN

@stigo:matrix.orgstigo... also I set perlPackages to perl538Packages17:50:50
In reply to @adam:robins.wtf
Ok, so I’ll remove any that we’re providing and see where that takes me 

Managed to get slimserver.pl not fail at compiling by providing the following buildInputs

  buildInputs = with perlPackages; [ DBI EV ClassXSAccessor DBDSQLite CarpClan FileSlurp ExporterLite XMLParser HTMLParser JSONXS DigestSHA1 YAMLLibYAML SubName CryptOpenSSLRSA IOSocketSSL
                                     AnyEvent ClassDataInheritable ClassInspector DBIxClass DataURIEncode FileBOM FileNext
                                     FileWhich IOString TieCacheLRUExpires ImageScale JSONXS JSONXSVersionOneAndTwo LogLog4perl PathClass ProcBackground SQLAbstract TextUnidecode
                                     TieCacheLRU TieRegexpHash XMLSimple URIFind HTTPDaemon DataDump

And removed the CPAN directory in prePatch with rm -r CPAN

@stigo:matrix.orgstigo(on top of your PR)17:51:42
@stigo:matrix.orgstigobbl, gotta run17:51:47
@adam:robins.wtf@adam:robins.wtf Thanks! 17:52:02
@stigo:matrix.orgstigodidnt try the nixos module tho17:52:54
@adam:robins.wtf@adam:robins.wtf Yeah I’ll run it though the tests that I’m improving  17:55:27
@stigo:matrix.orgstigo(the buildInputs above needs to be tidied up a bit as well)17:56:20
@adam:robins.wtf@adam:robins.wtfand I get an error that our community has had before https://github.com/Logitech/slimserver/issues/13818:14:37

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