
NixOS Perl

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6 Nov 2023
@adam:robins.wtf@adam:robins.wtfso 5.36 will be good until roughly may-july next year (depending on release date)17:12:09
@stigo:matrix.orgstigoYeah basically17:13:09
@stigo:matrix.orgstigoUsually backwards compat is not a big issue in perl5, but there are of course some issues :)17:14:27
@stigo:matrix.orgstigoI've proposed to also only keep one version of perl5 in nixpkgs to make maintenance a bit easier, maybe two if/when perl7 ships.17:15:09
@adam:robins.wtf@adam:robins.wtfi suspect that may be fine with slimserver, if we can get it using our perl packages instead of its own17:16:00
@adam:robins.wtf@adam:robins.wtfso to try and move forward, am i correct in assuming i should be removing this directory and replacing it with buildInputs ? https://github.com/Logitech/slimserver/tree/public/8.3/CPAN17:17:19
@adam:robins.wtf@adam:robins.wtfand if so, any tips to save me the time of manually tracking down all the associated packages? :)17:18:05
In reply to @adam:robins.wtf
so to try and move forward, am i correct in assuming i should be removing this directory and replacing it with buildInputs ? https://github.com/Logitech/slimserver/tree/public/8.3/CPAN
I'd guess so, unless something needs to be patched for it to not use the CPAN directory. First I'd check what kind of error messages you get from just using the CPAN directory, likely there are some modules that are not compatible with 5.38 or maybe som nix specific patches that are missing.

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