
NixOS Perl

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2 Nov 2023
@stigo:matrix.orgstigoI'll have a look later today08:33:36
@stigo:matrix.orgstigoMaybe this is a fix: https://github.com/shlomif/perl-XML-LibXML/commit/8751785951fbde48ffa16a476da3e4adb2bbcde5.patch08:39:00
@stigo:matrix.orgstigoOr/and this: https://cgit.freebsd.org/ports/commit/textproc/p5-XML-LibXML/files/patch-perl-libxml-mm.c?id=ea9006c8e8ff30532f8ebd66d850cc6b2b8701b708:42:55
@stigo:matrix.orgstigo^^ mostly notes to myself for later, but if anyone wants to fix go ahead :D08:44:16
@stigo:matrix.orgstigoperlPackages.XMLLibXML fixed by https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/26500312:29:44
@stigo:matrix.orgstigo * perlPackages.XMLLibXML on darwin fixed by https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/26500312:32:43
@janne.hess:helsinki-systems.deJanne Heß stigo: why not fetchpatch that other patch? 15:41:00
@stigo:matrix.orgstigoGood question, since it was merged it probably could have been fetchpatch'ed15:42:53
@stigo:matrix.orgstigoFor the perlPackages.MouseXGetopts patch, it's not merged so... should be frozen15:44:34
3 Nov 2023
@mib:kanp.aimib 🥐 changed their profile picture.13:55:56
@stigo:matrix.orgstigoMy goals for ZHF is to fix as many darwin packages in perlPackages as possible :)15:22:43
@janne.hess:helsinki-systems.deJanne Heßah I did that some releases ago iirc15:29:32
@janne.hess:helsinki-systems.deJanne Heßbut I had darwin on hand which made it easier15:29:39
@stigo:matrix.orgstigoGot access to the darwin-build-box from nix-community, so thats nice15:30:34
@janne.hess:helsinki-systems.deJanne Heßawesome! that should make it a lot easier15:30:51
@stigo:matrix.orgstigoYeah, was considering getting a mac mini... but those prices15:31:13
@janne.hess:helsinki-systems.deJanne Heßthe arm ones are really nice15:31:52
@janne.hess:helsinki-systems.deJanne Heßwe have one and run nixos on it for our aarch64 builds15:31:59
@janne.hess:helsinki-systems.deJanne Heßsooo powerful15:32:06
@stigo:matrix.orgstigoIt just installs without any weirdness?15:32:46
@stigo:matrix.orgstigo * NixOS just installs without any weirdness?15:32:53
@janne.hess:helsinki-systems.deJanne HeßThere's https://github.com/tpwrules/nixos-apple-silicon15:33:01
6 Nov 2023
@adam:robins.wtf@adam:robins.wtf joined the room.16:00:47
@stigo:matrix.orgstigo hey adamcstephens 🐝 :) 16:27:48
@stigo:matrix.orgstigo adamcstephens 🐝: I'm happy to help out with fixing slimserver, prefering to use packages from perlPackages of course. I suggest that we wait a bit for staging-next to be merged into master is it contains a lot of changes to perlPackages, and a clang update that affects darwin packages in particular. Ref: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/265556#issuecomment-1795211682 16:33:51
@stigo:matrix.orgstigo Another concern would be the dependency on perl 5.36, as it will be removed from nixpkgs when 5.40 is released. It could be a dependency that wasn't compatible with 5.38, or ofc something in slimserver itself. We should also look at what the problem was there and see if it can be easily patched. 16:39:49
@adam:robins.wtf@adam:robins.wtfi'm unfamiliar with the perl lifecycle, but it looks like that gives us until 2025 for 5.36?17:06:09

To the best of our ability, we will provide "critical" security patches / releases for any major version of Perl whose 5.x.0 release was within the past three years

@adam:robins.wtf@adam:robins.wtfand perl 5.36 was released May 28th 202217:08:01

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