
NixOS Perl

43 Members
13 Servers

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3 Nov 2023
@janne.hess:helsinki-systems.deJanne Heßthe arm ones are really nice15:31:52
@janne.hess:helsinki-systems.deJanne Heßwe have one and run nixos on it for our aarch64 builds15:31:59
@janne.hess:helsinki-systems.deJanne Heßsooo powerful15:32:06
@stigo:matrix.orgstigoIt just installs without any weirdness?15:32:46
@stigo:matrix.orgstigo * NixOS just installs without any weirdness?15:32:53
@janne.hess:helsinki-systems.deJanne HeßThere's https://github.com/tpwrules/nixos-apple-silicon15:33:01
6 Nov 2023
@adam:robins.wtf@adam:robins.wtf joined the room.16:00:47

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