
NixOS Perl

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26 Oct 2023
@vcunat:matrix.orgvcunatYes, I did. The usual disable + invisible.16:51:51
@janne.hess:helsinki-systems.deJanne HeßRight, there's no proper delete16:52:00
@stigo:matrix.orgstigo I'll keep an eye on staging-next in hydra tomorrow  17:42:54
@vcunat:matrix.orgvcunatTomorrow might be too early to see much, but we'll see.17:47:00
In reply to @stigo:matrix.org
Just love how changing base branch almost always pings all CODEOWNERS...

That's why I usually base my branches on the merge-base of master and staging

git checkout $(git merge-base upstream/staging upstream/master)



27 Oct 2023
@federicodschonborn:matrix.orgFederico Damián Schonborn changed their profile picture.01:24:01
@vcunat:matrix.orgvcunatI see at least 200 darwin builds dead because of this perl package: https://hydra.nixos.org/build/239463344/nixlog/1/tail09:14:05
@stigo:matrix.orgstigoWill look at this over the weekend14:48:40
@stigo:matrix.orgstigoDo we have access to some Darwin system that can be used for debugging?14:49:47
@vcunat:matrix.orgvcunat @ofBorg build foo? 14:56:38
@vcunat:matrix.orgvcunatThough that's more suitable for final validation, not debugging.14:57:11
@janne.hess:helsinki-systems.deJanne HeßThere's a nix community mac box iirc15:03:35
@janne.hess:helsinki-systems.deJanne Heß toonn and domen should know more about that  15:06:22
@hexa:lossy.networkhexanot the one by winter15:48:40
@hexa:lossy.networkhexathey are unresponsive15:48:44
@hexa:lossy.networkhexa(this is the one funded by the darwin opencollective via domen)15:49:01
28 Oct 2023
In reply to @vcunat:matrix.org
I see at least 200 darwin builds dead because of this perl package:
Marcuszakame could you possibly have a look at perlPackages.IOTty in staging-next on darwin? :)
29 Oct 2023
In reply to @stigo:matrix.org
Marcuszakame could you possibly have a look at perlPackages.IOTty in staging-next on darwin? :)
This is now fixed
In reply to @stigo:matrix.org
Marcuszakame could you possibly have a look at perlPackages.IOTty in staging-next on darwin? :)
* This is now fixed in https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/264014
@marcusramberg:matrix.orgMarcusWell done. My c-fu is far too weak to ever figure out that one 😂07:00:30
@stigo:matrix.orgstigoThx to Tae who helped me at Hackeriet yesterday :)07:52:14
1 Nov 2023
@vcunat:matrix.orgvcunat Maybe this regression on *-darwin as well?
@vcunat:matrix.orgvcunat(but I see only 30 builds affected by that, in the report)14:40:59
@vcunat:matrix.orgvcunat * (but I see only 30 builds affected by that, in the report - or 30+22 if both perl versions sum up)14:41:39
2 Nov 2023
@stigo:matrix.orgstigoI'll have a look later today08:33:36
@stigo:matrix.orgstigoMaybe this is a fix: https://github.com/shlomif/perl-XML-LibXML/commit/8751785951fbde48ffa16a476da3e4adb2bbcde5.patch08:39:00
@stigo:matrix.orgstigoOr/and this: https://cgit.freebsd.org/ports/commit/textproc/p5-XML-LibXML/files/patch-perl-libxml-mm.c?id=ea9006c8e8ff30532f8ebd66d850cc6b2b8701b708:42:55
@stigo:matrix.orgstigo^^ mostly notes to myself for later, but if anyone wants to fix go ahead :D08:44:16
@stigo:matrix.orgstigoperlPackages.XMLLibXML fixed by https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/26500312:29:44
@stigo:matrix.orgstigo * perlPackages.XMLLibXML on darwin fixed by https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/26500312:32:43

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