
NixOS Perl

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20 Oct 2023
@stigo:matrix.orgstigoYeah made it a lot easier to have access to that :)14:04:43
In reply to @janne.hess:helsinki-systems.de
There's also my rt update (which includes security fixes) that also updates some perl packages so it will conflict :/
I foresee one conflict with DateExtract, but no prob to resolve
@janne.hess:helsinki-systems.deJanne Heß
In reply to @stigo:matrix.org
I foresee one conflict with DateExtract, but no prob to resolve
ah nice I already feared it was more
@stigo:matrix.orgstigoDont think so14:06:43
@stigo:matrix.orgstigo There are some issues with the Paranoid patch, which annoys me. Will look at that one later today. 14:09:41
In reply to @janne.hess:helsinki-systems.de
I asked Vladimir on how to get a jobset. Maybe he's already the correct person ;)
I'm a bit of a hydra-noob, but it's possible to manually control jobs right?
@janne.hess:helsinki-systems.deJanne Heß
In reply to @stigo:matrix.org
I'm a bit of a hydra-noob, but it's possible to manually control jobs right?
you mean the jobs that are being built?
In reply to @janne.hess:helsinki-systems.de
you mean the jobs that are being built?
Like choosing when to start a large build, want to fix i.e. Paranoid first
@janne.hess:helsinki-systems.deJanne Heß
In reply to @stigo:matrix.org
Like choosing when to start a large build, want to fix i.e. Paranoid first
nope, that's completely random. both of these things
@janne.hess:helsinki-systems.deJanne Heßyou can make the jobset manual, then somebody has to manually trigger a new evaluation rather than a timer running. but once the evaluation is complete, it will immediatly start building14:20:21
@stigo:matrix.orgstigoAutomatic should be OK then I guess14:21:15
@vcunat:matrix.orgvcunat joined the room.15:19:55
@janne.hess:helsinki-systems.deJanne Heß stigo: There's Vladimir 15:20:09
@janne.hess:helsinki-systems.deJanne Heß

His last messages from our DM:

From staging?
Isn't that bad for such a jobset?
It can mix in failures unrelated to the perl updates that haven't been discovered yet.

@vcunat:matrix.orgvcunat I suggest staging-next as the branch to base onto right now. (But still targeting staging in the PR.) 15:21:10
@vcunat:matrix.orgvcunatAs a compromise between freshness and risk of confusion by unrelated failures.15:21:50
@vcunat:matrix.orgvcunatIt also has evals on Hydra, so those can be used as comparison base.15:22:40
@stigo:matrix.orgstigosure, rebased onto staging-next15:33:32
@vcunat:matrix.orgvcunatJust x86_64-linux for now, I guess.15:41:41
@stigo:matrix.orgstigosure, that's fine15:42:52
@stigo:matrix.orgstigo vcunat: thx btw :) 15:43:51
@janne.hess:helsinki-systems.deJanne Heßhttps://hydra.nixos.org/jobset/nixpkgs/pr-262304-perl-updates15:53:30
@stigo:matrix.orgstigoBuilt the directly changed perlPackages and perl536Packages on x86_64-linux, all were OK16:25:07
@stigo:matrix.orgstigoHoping to keep only one perl5 one day tho..16:26:31
21 Oct 2023
@qbit:tapenet.orgqbitseems PLS is missing a dep11:36:10
@qbit:tapenet.orgqbitFuture::Queue https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/26252411:43:38
@stigo:matrix.orgstigoJust some issues with commit messages, otherwise looks good to me12:24:34
@stigo:matrix.orgstigo (It's very useful that commit messages are consistent, since it enables some nice git | grep type hacks from time to time) 12:25:15
@qbit:tapenet.orgqbit oh woops - i knew that .. it's what I get for submitting before coffee \o/ 12:37:12
23 Oct 2023
@stigo:matrix.orgstigoWaiting for hydra to pick up the perl-updates branch and test the latest changes after another rebase from staging-next. If hydra agrees, then I think we're good to merge it into staging. 03:22:41

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