
Nix Language

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7 Aug 2024
@mattsturg:matrix.orgMatt Sturgeon I'm surprised elemAt is aborting rather than throwing though 🤔 01:18:28
@daniel573:matrix.orgDaniel Kahlenberg

I have

lib.attrsets.genAttrs [ "nix-inspect" "nixvim-config" "bundix" "feedback" "talon" "rime" "nix-ld-rs" "devenv" ] (name: "input
  bundix = "inputs.bundix.packages.x86_64.default";
  devenv = "inputs.devenv.packages.x86_64.default";
  feedback = "inputs.feedback.packages.x86_64.default";
  nix-inspect = "inputs.nix-inspect.packages.x86_64.default";
  nix-ld-rs = "inputs.nix-ld-rs.packages.x86_64.default";
  nixvim-config = "inputs.nixvim-config.packages.x86_64.default";
  rime = "inputs.rime.packages.x86_64.default";
  talon = "inputs.talon.packages.x86_64.default";

but I want the attrs on the rhs to be attributes not just strings.

How would I achieve that ?

@emilazy:matrix.orgemilyjust drop the quotes09:59:44
@daniel573:matrix.orgDaniel Kahlenberg
In reply to @emilazy:matrix.org
just drop the quotes
Thank you, such a fast solution !
@taffisher:matrix.org@taffisher:matrix.org left the room.19:12:55
@hyperflarex:matrix.orghyperflare left the room.19:16:24
@hyperflarex:matrix.orghyperflare joined the room.19:44:23
@dazai:matrix.orgdazaii'm trying to use colmena with flake-utils so that way I can deploy from my aarch64-linux runner as well as my x86_64-linux runner, but I get meta.nixpkgs must be evaluated in hermetic mode. Anyone run into this? works fine without flake-utils and specifying system = "aarch64-linux" directly https://gist.github.com/abueide/5c8c0fd7bb5c1f70c4ff468748c0375120:17:22
@dazai:matrix.orgdazai left the room.20:47:32
@dazai:matrix.orgdazai joined the room.20:48:13
8 Aug 2024
@tsn9cp:matrix.orgtsn9cp Hi. I'm learning to make derivations and I have an issue where the haxe package manager requires a ~/.haxelib folder for configuration. In my buildPhase I have this: mkdir -p ./lib && haxelib setup ./lib, which then yields this error from haxelib in the output > Error: [file_open,/homeless-shelter/.haxelib]. How would I resolve this? 00:20:12
@ity:itycodes.orgTranquil Ity
In reply to @tsn9cp:matrix.org
Hi. I'm learning to make derivations and I have an issue where the haxe package manager requires a ~/.haxelib folder for configuration. In my buildPhase I have this: mkdir -p ./lib && haxelib setup ./lib, which then yields this error from haxelib in the output > Error: [file_open,/homeless-shelter/.haxelib]. How would I resolve this?
Since that does not seem to be a question about the Nix Language but rather about nixpkgs (as you are talking about buildPhase which is a part of nixpkgs) I feel that you might get better answers in #users:nixos.org
@ity:itycodes.orgTranquil Ity
In reply to @tsn9cp:matrix.org
Hi. I'm learning to make derivations and I have an issue where the haxe package manager requires a ~/.haxelib folder for configuration. In my buildPhase I have this: mkdir -p ./lib && haxelib setup ./lib, which then yields this error from haxelib in the output > Error: [file_open,/homeless-shelter/.haxelib]. How would I resolve this?
* Since that does not seem to be a question about the Nix Language but rather about nixpkgs (as you are talking about buildPhase which is a part of some nixpkgs builders) I feel that you might get better answers in #users:nixos.org
In reply to@ity:itycodes.org
Since that does not seem to be a question about the Nix Language but rather about nixpkgs (as you are talking about buildPhase which is a part of some nixpkgs builders) I feel that you might get better answers in #users:nixos.org
alright, ty
@ity:itycodes.orgTranquil ItyNp ^^00:25:05
@x10an14:matrix.orgx10an14 joined the room.10:03:52
@quapka4:matrix.orgquapka4Hi, is there a canonical way to get the path to the Nix store?10:59:04
@raphi:tapesoftware.netraphi builtins.storeDir? 11:26:58
In reply to @raphi:tapesoftware.net
@quapka4:matrix.orgquapka4How can I resolve a string to a function of that name?14:04:00
@quapka4:matrix.orgquapka4Or does there need to be some intermediate attribute set, where the key is the string and the value would be the function directly?14:05:02
@qyliss:fairydust.spaceAlyssa Ross set a profile picture.18:48:40
9 Aug 2024
@meetmangukiya:matrix.orgmeetm joined the room.05:21:59
@meetmangukiya:matrix.orgmeetm how can i pass builtins to nix-darwin from flake.nix ? 05:22:25
@meetmangukiya:matrix.orgmeetmactually i dont need to take it as an arg 05:51:34
@meetmangukiya:matrix.orgmeetmits available globally05:51:42
@mattsturg:matrix.orgMatt Sturgeon Yeah, builtins comes from the nix binary itself, it's not something you can lock with your flake. 09:16:14
@gzgavinzhao:matrix.orgGavin Zhao joined the room.17:08:11
@julihaan:matrix.orgJulian joined the room.18:48:06
@4noch:matrix.orgElliot Cameron Though you can "pass it as an argument" using builtins.scopedImport if, for some reason, you want to change it. 19:05:21

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