
NixOS Marketing

219 Members
NixOS website + marketing team: https://nixos.org/community/teams/marketing.html49 Servers

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29 May 2024
@garbas:matrix.orggarbas Anyway hexa can you give me back access? 14:41:35
@avocadoom:avocadoom.dethilobillerbeck (avocadoom)
In reply to @hexa:lossy.network
I don't have access to update it either
unsure If he can judging by this message
@tomberek:matrix.orgtomberekNo, still a problem: https://nixos.org/nix/manual/15:03:30
@nscnt:matrix.org@nscnt:matrix.org joined the room.15:13:12
In reply to @garbas:matrix.org
Anyway hexa can you give me back access?
Did you have the webmaster@ password? I rotated that due to infra membership changes.
@garbas:matrix.orggarbasYes I did. Let's jump on a call if possible in 45min and try to resolve this. Would that work for you?16:11:07
@garbas:matrix.orggarbasI think we just need to sync so we don't work pass each other :)16:15:21
@garbas:matrix.orggarbas * I think we just need to sync so we don't work past each other :) 16:15:32
@garbas:matrix.orggarbas hexa: I'm available now if you have time as well 16:22:49
@hexa:lossy.networkhexaCan do, give me 1016:27:06
@hexa:lossy.networkhexaall done, garbas will revert the mess I made and fix it for real this time 😛 16:42:47
@raitobezarius:matrix.orgraitobezarius changed their display name from raitobezarius to raitobezarius (DECT: 7248).17:08:57
@garbas:matrix.orggarbas thilobillerbeck (avocadoom): hexa: tomberek infinisil: I created new netlify token and updated the GitHub secret with the new token. Then I reran last commit in the main branch. The broken redirects now work from what I can tell. But more importantly the deployment to netlify work again. 17:23:50

@garbas:matrix.orgAwesome, thanks! ❤️

@garbas:matrix.orggarbasBut in retrospective I'm not sure what happened. Either token was changed in GitHub actions or token expired in Netlify (even if marked as "do not expire this token)17:25:00
@garbas:matrix.orggarbasThe access credentials to netlify were added to vault.nixos.org and once we can add all members of marketing to bitwarden (currently blocked due to some email problems) everybody in marketing team should be able to login and fix this kind of problems. But now we finally have a reason why you need an account on vault.nixos.org :)17:27:14
30 May 2024
@fricklerhandwerk:matrix.orgfricklerhandwerk joined the room.12:47:57

garbas Bryan Honof IdaBzo For this year's Summer of Nix we want to try yet another new thing: The mob facilitated by Shahar "Dawn" Or (mightyiam) proposed streaming their sessions to give an impression of what they're doing - we'll flip the classroom for the public lectures this year. We'd need some help from the marketing team for that:

  • Please make an announcement for the first live stream on Thursday 2024-06-06 12:00-13:00 UTC

    I'll run the pilot show one time, for organisational reasons but also to make a visible hand-over. If it goes well, the mob should take over.

  • In the next 7 days, please give Shahar "Dawn" Or (mightyiam) access to StreamYard so the group can set up everything as they need. If other mobs want to do the same, we may need more permissions handed out. Alternatively we could create another account and StreamYard instance, which is visibly linked to the NixOS Foundation, but I'd need help for that.

  • In the next 7 days, please give me access to at least the YouTube account where I can edit the playlists and details.

    Last year it was a bit unfortunate that while I could schedule streams, I could not edit any of the metadata and thumbnails after the fact. I'd catch up with that, and help the mobs polishing up the presentation.

Could you make that happen? Then I'll announce it on Discourse and will also propagate it through the NGI0 network.

@adfaure:matrix.orgAdrien joined the room.13:12:43

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