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NixOS on RISC-V https://wiki.nixos.org/wiki/RISC-V https://pad.lassul.us/NixOS-riscv64-linux 35 Servers

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25 Jun 2024
@joerg:thalheim.ioMic92to tarballs.nixos.org?13:23:24
@thefossguy:matrix.orgPratham Patel (you can mention me)I'm not sure. Only now starting to understand Nix after being 1+ years in the Nix ecosystem lol13:23:57
@thefossguy:matrix.orgPratham Patel (you can mention me)Okay, my custom minimal ISO started building :)13:24:25
In reply to @joerg:thalheim.io
Can we not also upload our own cross-compiled ghc binary tarball?

That is definitely worth discussing with the Nixpkgs maintainers, but it'd be easier once the changes that enable cross-compilation of GHC are merged.

The PRs that enable it also add x86_64 -> riscv64 cross-compilation to Hydra to catch regressions.

@alex:tunstall.xyzAlexSo once the changes are merged, the Hydra build could be downloaded and packaged into a tarball to bootstrap native builds (or, more likely, used to package a complete native build).13:26:05
@joerg:thalheim.ioMic92Also sounds good to me.13:26:24

The newest PR for this is: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/305392

(It works already, but I think sterni might want to make a few changes before it is merged?)

@axiomss:matrix.org@axiomss:matrix.org joined the room.21:57:12
27 Jun 2024
@burntk:matrix.orgSam O’nella joined the room.16:20:48
@fgaz:matrix.orgfgaz https://github.com/openresty/luajit2/pull/236 19:59:36
28 Jun 2024
@axiomss:matrix.org@axiomss:matrix.org left the room.04:12:59
@atka:matrix.orgatkarisc-v boards have arrived!17:35:16
@janik0:matrix.org@janik0:matrix.org left the room.18:20:53
@hexa:lossy.networkhexaall of them?19:30:40
@atka:matrix.orgatkawell the boards I ordered :), first time hands on with real hardware20:23:30
@0x4a6f:matrix.org[0x4A6F]Nice, have fun. Which boards do you hav?20:54:54
@0x4a6f:matrix.org[0x4A6F] * Nice, have fun. Which boards do you have?20:55:02
@atka:matrix.orgatka [0x4A6F]: two milk-v duo 64M, 1x milk-v duo 256M, and an ethernet/io board 21:30:13
@atka:matrix.orgatkaconverting some old rpi and microcontroller projects over, playing around with porting a drm driver to risc21:31:03
@atka:matrix.orgatkadabbling in some assembly21:31:22
29 Jun 2024
@maka_77x:matrix.orgmaka_77x joined the room.00:48:18
@burntk:matrix.orgSam O’nella changed their display name from burntkrispe to BurntKrispe.05:28:39
@atka:matrix.orgatka Nick Cao: thanks for the work on the Duo64 and Duo256! 21:30:26
@atka:matrix.orgatkais ION size supposed to be set to zero by default for these images?21:39:56
[root@nixos-duo:~]# cat /sys/kernel/debug/ion/cvi_carveout_heap_dump/summary 
[0] carveout heap size:28102656 bytes, used:0 bytes
usage rate:0%, memory usage peak 0 bytes

         heap_id   alloc_buf_size         phy_addr         kmap_cnt      buffer name

minimum ion allocate unit = 4096
free memory regions:
         heap_id            start              end           length
               0         8e333000         8fe00000         28102656
@atka:matrix.orgatkabuilt the duo256 image last night, only ~222MB free instead of ~247MB21:41:15
@atka:matrix.orgatka* built the duo256 image last night, only ~222MB free instead of ~250MB21:42:49
30 Jun 2024
@nickcao:nichi.coNick Cao
In reply to @atka:matrix.org
is ION size supposed to be set to zero by default for these images?
Yes, but requires a custom built fip.bin
@nickcao:nichi.coNick Cao
In reply to @nickcao:nichi.co
Yes, but requires a custom built fip.bin
It seems the one we are using already have ION size set to 0: https://github.com/mcdonc/duo-buildroot-sdk/tree/nixos-riscv
@nickcao:nichi.coNick Cao
In reply to @nickcao:nichi.co
Yes, but requires a custom built fip.bin
* It seems the one we are using can't have ION size set to 0: https://github.com/mcdonc/duo-buildroot-sdk/tree/nixos-riscv for some reason.

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