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NixOS on RISC-V https://wiki.nixos.org/wiki/RISC-V https://pad.lassul.us/NixOS-riscv64-linux 35 Servers

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4 Jun 2024
@raitobezarius:matrix.orgraitobezarius changed their display name from raitobezarius (DECT: 7248) to raitobezarius.11:14:47
5 Jun 2024
@kamillaova:matrix.orgKamilla 'ova joined the room.19:27:58
14 Jun 2024
@daniel:nopemail.orgdaniel joined the room.07:28:16
15 Jun 2024
@atka:matrix.orgatkaanyone play around with those milk-v duo boards yet? I have a few on the way to tinker with. I know nixos/alpine/debian run on them, plus various RTOS like nuttx.03:55:09
17 Jun 2024
@poweredbypie:matrix.orgpie joined the room.22:05:19
18 Jun 2024
@hexa:lossy.networkhexanot sure who'll jump on this, since the cores seem to be "ass"14:52:29
@hexa:lossy.networkhexabut at least in a proper case and such14:52:52
@thefossguy:matrix.orgPratham Patel (you can mention me)Interesting choice given that the SG2380 should release in Q3 of 2024. That is RVA23(-ish) compared to the RV64GC of JH7110.14:53:12

Yes, most of us already have JH7110-based boards.

It's really only practical if you want to do RISC-V hacking on the go.

In reply to @thefossguy:matrix.org
Interesting choice given that the SG2380 should release in Q3 of 2024. That is RVA23(-ish) compared to the RV64GC of JH7110.
the jh7110 is very well mainlined, but true it's quite weak for a laptop
@poweredbypie:matrix.orgpie joined the room.15:43:16
In reply to @cnx:loang.net
the jh7110 is very well mainlined, but true it's quite weak for a laptop
The entire point of the framework is to be able to upgrade it, so I think it makes sense even if it's underpowered
@cnx:loang.net@cnx:loang.netyea but with wirth's law it's not suitable for general computing in current year17:33:58
@cnx:loang.net@cnx:loang.netdevelopers have been spoiled with really powerful amd64 compooters, laptops from almost a decade ago are still really usable today and they're much more powerful than the mid-level risc-v soc we've seen so far17:37:17
@thefossguy:matrix.orgPratham Patel (you can mention me)
In reply to @cnx:loang.net
the jh7110 is very well mainlined, but true it's quite weak for a laptop
not that it's weak for a laptop but that it's "profile" (if you can even call it that) is RV64GC which is very basic
@thefossguy:matrix.orgPratham Patel (you can mention me)while the "real" profiles which will be on servers (yes they're coming soon) will be using RVA2317:44:30
@rosscomputerguy:matrix.orgTristan RossWhat's the difference between RVA23 and RV64GC?17:46:35
@thefossguy:matrix.orgPratham Patel (you can mention me) Which has all the fancy extensions and more importantly, platform features like Sv57 17:47:06
@thefossguy:matrix.orgPratham Patel (you can mention me)
In reply to @rosscomputerguy:matrix.org
What's the difference between RVA23 and RV64GC?
* @thefossguy:matrix.orgPratham Patel (you can mention me) logs off for the night (IST)17:47:40
@rosscomputerguy:matrix.orgTristan Ross
In reply to @thefossguy:matrix.org
Oh nice
@rosscomputerguy:matrix.orgTristan RossFloating points and vectors will be great to have 17:48:23
@rosscomputerguy:matrix.orgTristan RossHopefully chips go with a good implementation of things in the silicon 17:48:56
@thefossguy:matrix.orgPratham Patel (you can mention me)before I log off; think of RV64GC as Arm-v8 and RVA23 as SBBR or whatever they call their Server Platform base thingy17:49:18
@thefossguy:matrix.orgPratham Patel (you can mention me)
In reply to @rosscomputerguy:matrix.org
Floating points and vectors will be great to have
g already contains imafd ;)
@rosscomputerguy:matrix.orgTristan Ross
In reply to @thefossguy:matrix.org
before I log off; think of RV64GC as Arm-v8 and RVA23 as SBBR or whatever they call their Server Platform base thingy
Ooh, hopefully this brings RISC-V chips a bit closer to being more performant
@rosscomputerguy:matrix.orgTristan Ross
In reply to @thefossguy:matrix.org
g already contains imafd ;)
Didn't realize that
@thefossguy:matrix.orgPratham Patel (you can mention me)ranted here in more detail https://matrix.to/#/!GhnNOKFLyvWBmnjqRS:fedoraproject.org/$9FGD8-67N7zQIhfMbWZKBqCa3qT9zq6l25iGim11ifY?via=fedoraproject.org&via=matrix.org&via=fedora.im17:53:20

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