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8 Apr 2024

This can also be found in the vendor's official documentation: https://doc-en.rvspace.org/VisionFive2/Boot_UG/JH7110_SDK/boot_address_allocation.html

Now whether or not those offsets are important is still unknown.
Note that partitions 1 and 2 are now "reserved"; this is because the vendor at some point changed their mind and now only wants to support booting from flash and booting from UART.
But SDIO and eMMC boot still work AFAIK.

@alex:tunstall.xyzAlexThe official documentation is also missing one critical detail: the partition type IDs.09:35:38
@thefossguy:matrix.orgPratham Patel (you can mention me)
In reply to @alex:tunstall.xyz
The official documentation is also missing one critical detail: the partition type IDs.
do you mean these?
@alex:tunstall.xyzAlex Yes, those typecode UUIDs for partition 1 and 2 are necessary. 09:39:15
@thefossguy:matrix.orgPratham Patel (you can mention me)i usually never go back to vendor docs once upstreaming starts :)09:39:54
@alex:tunstall.xyzAlex I'm quite thankful that they at least have some documentation.
Not everyone wants to read Linux kernel code and dts files to figure out where the UART device and SRAM are.
@thefossguy:matrix.orgPratham Patel (you can mention me)They ought to have at least this much provided09:42:36
@alex:tunstall.xyzAlex They have a (nearly) complete description of the entire physical memory map.
If only I could remember which document it's in...
@thefossguy:matrix.orgPratham Patel (you can mention me)Yeah, JH7110 is surprisingly "open".09:43:44
@alex:tunstall.xyzAlex Here it is: https://doc-en.rvspace.org/JH7110/TRM/JH7110_TRM/system_memory_map.html 09:44:09
@skeuchel:matrix.orgSteven Keuchel
In reply to @alex:tunstall.xyz

I've measured ~22h for building an unregisterised GHC 9.2.8 booted via an unregisterised GHC 8.10.7 when running on VF2 (JH7110 SoC).
(Default flavour with profiled libraries, dynamic libraries, and documentation enabled.)

One minor difference to a typical RV64GC build is that I also enable Zba and Zbb.
I have no idea what performance impact this has on my hardware.

That a Milk-V Pioneer would take over 30h to do the same is surprising.

I was usually also compiling something else. I think the registerised ones are more accurate.
@skeuchel:matrix.orgSteven Keuchel
In reply to @alex:tunstall.xyz

I'm getting the following error when trying to build certain Haskell packages with a registerised GHC.

Couldn't find a target code interpreter. Try with -fexternal-interpreter

I thought registerised GHC included TemplateHaskell support?
Steven Keuchel do I need the patches that enable GHCi for this to work?

yes exactly, you need https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/merge_requests/10714 and https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/merge_requests/12286
@skeuchel:matrix.orgSteven KeuchelI wanted to create a nixpkgs PR once the the second one is merged upstream.09:59:53
@skeuchel:matrix.orgSteven Keuchelbe careful though, one has to be added to the hadrian derivation and the other to the ghc derivation10:00:31
@alex:tunstall.xyzAlex Well damn, I'm already 3h into a build with both on the GHC derivation ๐Ÿ™ƒ
I assume your Hadrian PR goes into the Hadrian derivation?
@skeuchel:matrix.orgSteven Keuchel

here is the part of my overlay that does this

      ghc964 =
          override1 = super.haskell.compiler.ghc964.override {
            bootPkgs = self.haskell.packages.ghc963Binary;
          override2 = override1.override {
            hadrian = override1.passthru.hadrian.overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: {
              patches = (oldAttrs.patches or [ ]) ++ [
                # https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/merge_requests/10714
                (super.fetchpatch {
                  url = "https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/commit/dd38aca95ac25adc9888083669b32ff551151259.patch";
                  hash = "sha256-xqs6mw/akxMy+XmVabACzsIviIKP4fS0UEgTk0HJcIc=";
                  stripLen = 1;
        override2.overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: {
          patches = (oldAttrs.patches or [ ]) ++ [
            # https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/merge_requests/12286
            (super.fetchpatch {
              url = "https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/commit/c5e47441ab2ee2568b5a913ce75809644ba83271.patch";
              hash = "sha256-t3KkuME6IqLWuESIMZ7OVAFu7s8G+x0ev+aVzBUqkhg=";
@alex:tunstall.xyzAlexYour hash for 10714 doesn't match mine... Is that commit still fetchable?10:05:17
@skeuchel:matrix.orgSteven Keuchelgrr, I hate fetchpatch10:05:58
@skeuchel:matrix.orgSteven Keuchellet me gc and try to fix it10:06:08
@alex:tunstall.xyzAlexI'm fetching the entire MR, so that might be why (but the other one matches)10:08:12
@alex:tunstall.xyzAlex Yep, build fails with your hash.
Correct one is sha256-uonXubXjMywSbUe/p2HLIWXDpwLWHlpZDMBvDnr/Utc=
@alex:tunstall.xyzAlex Oh wait, I was missing stripLen. Nevermind. 10:17:10
@skeuchel:matrix.orgSteven Keucheloh ok :D I had it as a file before and switched to fetchpatch before posting10:26:13
@skeuchel:matrix.orgSteven Keuchelhope it works now10:26:34
9 Apr 2024
@thefossguy:matrix.orgPratham Patel (you can mention me) sorear: https://www.theregister.com/2024/04/09/sifive_riscv_hifive/ 07:02:44
@ss:someonex.netSomeoneSerge (utc+3) changed their display name from SomeoneSerge (migrating synapse) to SomeoneSerge (void).13:23:23

i'm surprised you haven't dealt with zeromq, because nix why-depends says systemd depends on it :

ยป nix why-depends --derivation nixpkgs#systemd nixpkgs#zeromq
@shalokshalom:kde.org@shalokshalom:kde.org left the room.21:09:27

Why? Is there something wrong with zeromq on RISC-V?

I don't seem to have a fix for it and my full system rebuild is complete, so it should work fine.


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