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13 Dec 2024
@vcunat:matrix.orgvcunatSounds nice. At hydra.nixos.org we seem to have now avoided the compression bottleneck by brute force (48-core EPYC + hyperthreading).07:28:47
@ctheune:matrix.flyingcircus.ioChristian TheuneYeah, our immediate measurement was a reduction of (disk / channel) image compression time going down from 5 minutes to 7s, so that seems a big win.08:03:44
@ctheune:matrix.flyingcircus.ioChristian TheuneNevertheless I'm trying to keep an eye on things that happen in a blocking fashion in the queue runner.08:04:28
@ctheune:matrix.flyingcircus.ioChristian Theunebecause those will all be bottlenecks for scaling08:04:49
@ctheune:matrix.flyingcircus.ioChristian Theunei'm guessing s3 uploads being in a similar spot08:05:05
@ctheune:matrix.flyingcircus.ioChristian Theuneif s3 uploads are also in the queue runner blocking things, then I'm wondering whether the uploads could also happen form the workers as long as hydra provides the signature. 08:06:08
@ctheune:matrix.flyingcircus.ioChristian Theune * if s3 uploads are also in the queue runner blocking things, then I'm wondering whether the uploads could also happen from the workers as long as hydra provides the signature. 08:06:18
@ctheune:matrix.flyingcircus.ioChristian Theunefrom a security perspective i understand that we want to keep the signing key on the master08:06:29
@ctheune:matrix.flyingcircus.ioChristian Theunes3 upload credentials then aren't really /that/ sensitive compared to that we have to trust the content that the builders generate anyway.08:06:49
@vcunat:matrix.orgvcunatSigning itself is cheap, if you provide the hash to sign. The signer doesn't even need the whole NAR.08:07:09
@vcunat:matrix.orgvcunat * Signing itself is cheap, if you provide the hash to sign. The signer doesn't even need the whole NAR. (in principle)08:07:15
@ctheune:matrix.flyingcircus.ioChristian Theuneah, interesting. 08:07:28
@ctheune:matrix.flyingcircus.ioChristian Theunethat would mean we wouldn't even have to transfer the files to the master for that reason.08:07:43
@ctheune:matrix.flyingcircus.ioChristian Theuneand the builder already has the closure and could upload08:07:53
@ctheune:matrix.flyingcircus.ioChristian Theunei'll keep that in mind when we take a look at moving the compression around08:08:04
@vcunat:matrix.orgvcunatYes, that does sound like good architecture.08:08:17
@ctheune:matrix.flyingcircus.ioChristian Theunenot sure whether it's good. it seems better than what it is now. 😉08:08:37
@ctheune:matrix.flyingcircus.ioChristian Theunebut yeah08:08:39
@vcunat:matrix.orgvcunatThough hydra.nixos.org is now blocked by loading jobs from DB. Probably the steps that check what's in S3 already. (it's overseas unfortunately so higher latency)08:08:54
@ctheune:matrix.flyingcircus.ioChristian Theuneyeah i've read that. that part of the code/architecture i haven't looked at before and it's two steps further down the road on our map.08:10:14
@ctheune:matrix.flyingcircus.ioChristian Theune(our s3 is local and we have a much lower number of jobs anyway)08:10:40
@ctheune:matrix.flyingcircus.ioChristian Theunebut yeah, happy to help in general, but need to be careful with my commitments ... 08:11:01
@vcunat:matrix.orgvcunatSure. I appreciate any kind of progress 🙂08:11:52
@ctheune:matrix.flyingcircus.ioChristian Theunethe martian is always right. one problem at a time. 08:13:57
@7c6f434c:nitro.chat7c6f434c If the builder sends just the hash to sign, this is not that far from having the signing key on the builder? 08:15:32
@7c6f434c:nitro.chat7c6f434c(A key that has signed something weird will probably be rotated even if it was not disclosed)08:16:09
@vcunat:matrix.orgvcunatCorrupting builds chosen by someone else feels somewhat safer than ability to steal the key.08:18:49
@7c6f434c:nitro.chat7c6f434cAh right the store path still comes from evaluation on master08:22:10
@vcunat:matrix.orgvcunatThough I'm not sure if the builder could inject arbitrary runtime dependencies.08:22:48
@7c6f434c:nitro.chat7c6f434cWell, just forcing the deps to be in the store doesn't sound that much more than just including the payload in all he binaries 08:23:53

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