
Nixpkgs Review Requests

275 Members
Have a PR that is ready for review but remains unreviewed for a week or longer? Post it here! | Allow package maintainers a few days to respond | Reviews are not guaranteed, as most of us are volunteers | ✅ merged 👀 reviewing ❌ needs work103 Servers

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25 Apr 2024
@ss:someonex.netSomeoneSerge (UTC+1) changed their display name from SomeoneSerge (void) to SomeoneSerge (UTC+1).23:01:09
26 Apr 2024
@msanft:matrix.orgMoritz SanftRedacted or Malformed Event07:44:06
@hexa:lossy.networkhexa for python hooks, please ask in #python:nixos.org 09:53:36
@aleksana:mozilla.orgaleksanapython3Packages.panphon: init at 0.20.0 https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/29487310:53:53
@stablejoy:matrix.orgstablejoy changed their profile picture.14:03:59
@k900:0upti.meK900Once you've started doing LDAP, it's hard to stop: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/30699114:29:49
@federicodschonborn:matrix.orgFederico Damián Schonborn changed their profile picture.14:49:04
@philiptaron:matrix.orgPhilip Taron (UTC-8) I'd like to help maintain vim, as it's my daily driver and editor. https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/306306 17:59:52
@philiptaron:matrix.orgPhilip Taron (UTC-8) * I'd like to help maintain vim, as it's my daily driver for ... most things. :-) https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/306306 18:01:51
@selachimorpha:matrix.orgselachimorpha joined the room.18:25:41
@tgerbet:matrix.orgtgerbethttps://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/300671 Would be nice to have all our OpenSSH variants on the same version18:55:44
@arjan5:matrix.orgarjan5 mkdocs-simple-hooks: drop
(remove unused deprecated python package with build error)
@arjan5:matrix.orgarjan5 update ly to unstable version and add nixos/ly module
(not mine but tested by me)
@patka_123:matrix.org@patka_123:matrix.org left the room.19:35:04
@philiptaron:matrix.orgPhilip Taron (UTC-8)Merge request: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/305257 I want to have the new fancy zoom ;-)21:16:59
@mrkline:uninsane.orgmrkline joined the room.23:15:10
@pxc:matrix.orgpxc changed their display name from pxc to pxc (why).23:32:12
@pxc:matrix.orgpxc changed their display name from pxc (why) to pxc.23:32:19
@qyriad:katesiria.orgQyriad changed their display name from Qyriad to Qyriad (she/they).23:47:44
@qyriad:katesiria.orgQyriad changed their display name from Qyriad (she/they) to Qyriad.23:47:57
27 Apr 2024
@qyriad:katesiria.orgQyriad changed their display name from Qyriad to Qyriad .00:01:06
@qyriad:katesiria.orgQyriad changed their display name from Qyriad to Qyriad.00:09:42
@pxc:matrix.orgpxc set a profile picture.00:46:10
@pxc:matrix.orgpxc removed their profile picture.00:48:07

CONTRIBUTING.md: Add nixpkgs-merge-bot usage paragraph

(Seems nothing wrong, just check grammar?)

@rdfg77:kde.orglinsuihttps://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/305983 A normal update.08:10:11
@lychee:lefishe.club@lychee:lefishe.club left the room.14:36:41
@tomasajt:matrix.orgTomaThis PR causes no rebuilds and makes some trivial changes https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/30406620:10:36

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