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7 Feb 2025
@raitobezarius:matrix.orgraitobezariusthanks arian!13:58:27
@arianvp:matrix.orgArianContainer Optimized OS (That thing from Google) has journal audit enabled and auditd disabled but has no kmesg log-sam14:56:17
@arianvp:matrix.orgArianI have the feeling they might ship a kernel patch for that or something14:56:32
@arianvp:matrix.orgArian * 14:59:54
@raitobezarius:matrix.orgraitobezariusauditd disabled but journal audit?16:54:04
@arianvp:matrix.orgArianyou mean their setup is weird?16:56:48
@elvishjerricco:matrix.orgElvishJerricco Arian: So I'm completely unfamiliar with how this audit stuff works. Is there anything we need to do in stage 1 for this? Like do we need to ensure that stage 1 journald does or doesn't enable auditing or something? 17:58:09
@arianvp:matrix.orgArianI think the whole idea of journald enabling auditing is broken and should be ignored17:58:36
@arianvp:matrix.orgArian hence defaulting it to not doing anything 17:58:48
@elvishjerricco:matrix.orgElvishJerriccobut if upstream defaults to true, then we need to disable it in stage 1, right?17:59:41
@arianvp:matrix.orgArianif stage-1 doesn’t have auditing enabled (doesn’t ship auditd; and also journald doesn’t enable it) then the audit logs will just buffer in ak ernel buffer17:59:44
@arianvp:matrix.orgArianyeh good point. but I don’t think we ship the socket in stage-1 which means the whole functionality is disabled18:00:03
@elvishjerricco:matrix.orgElvishJerriccoah ok that'll do then18:00:15
@arianvp:matrix.orgArianI can fix that too; but then will also have to default Audit=null in the stage-1 kernel config18:00:29
@elvishjerricco:matrix.orgElvishJerriccoyea best leave stage 1 out of it entirely if we can18:00:45
@arianvp:matrix.orgArianhow is the stage-1 journal configured anyway? if at all?18:00:50
@elvishjerricco:matrix.orgElvishJerriccoit's not :P18:00:56
@arianvp:matrix.orgArianthen I suggest we just don’t ship the socket in stage-118:01:11
@elvishjerricco:matrix.orgElvishJerriccothough I think there's an open issue about maybe duplicating the stage 2 config in stage 118:01:15
@arianvp:matrix.orgArian(which I think is already the case today?)18:01:30
@elvishjerricco:matrix.orgElvishJerriccoYea, I think we currently don't ship that socket and I agree we probably shouldn't18:01:47
@elvishjerricco:matrix.orgElvishJerriccoso no action required, it seems18:02:15
@arianvp:matrix.orgAriangood callout though18:02:24
@terrorjack:matrix.orgterrorjack joined the room.22:46:14
8 Feb 2025
@terrorjack:matrix.orgterrorjack set a profile picture.02:24:25
@terrorjack:matrix.orgterrorjack removed their profile picture.02:24:59
@marcel:envs.netMarcel joined the room.20:27:51

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