
NixOS systemd

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2 Oct 2021
@arianvp:matrix.orgArianAnd it'll then merge base.nix and genofire-specific.nix if that makes sense21:30:34
@genofire:matrix.sum7.eugenofireis it possible to glob the imports?21:31:34
@genofire:matrix.sum7.eugenofire *
@genofire:matrix.sum7.eugenofire *
imports = [ conf.d/*.nix ];
@arianvp:matrix.orgArian No but there's a builtins.readDir function that returns all the files in a directory 21:33:04
@arianvp:matrix.orgArian * No but there's a builtins.readDir function that returns all the files in a directory which you could use 21:33:08
@genofire:matrix.sum7.eugenofirenice ;)21:33:19
@arianvp:matrix.orgArianI suggest playing around with it a bit in a vm21:34:32
@genofire:matrix.sum7.eugenofireokay, now the question - how to migrate at easy - i like to add on my current system another zfs/ROOT/nixos-dataset and to install it there - keep my /boot (and cryptsetup where is the zpool on)21:35:06
In reply to @arianvp:matrix.org
I suggest playing around with it a bit in a vm
i want to use it in "production" with fallback - otherwise i would not take the time to change somehing in the good running enviroment ....
In reply to @arianvp:matrix.org
I suggest playing around with it a bit in a vm
* i want to use it in "production" with fallback - otherwise i would not take the time to change something in the good running archlinux environment ....

I am not sure how good ZFS support is. I think it works (would check with grahamc (he/him) )

during installation you run a command named nixos-generate-config which should detect how your /mnt is mounted and detect cryptsetup and zfs is at play if all goes well.

I'm not sure if NixOS can be configured to not mess with your existing bootloader actually..

@arianvp:matrix.orgArianwill probably work if the bootloader you have matches with the bootloader in the config and you skip the install-bootloader step during installation...21:38:46
@arianvp:matrix.orgArianNixOS supports atomic rollbacks and roll-forwards; so for each config change you get a new bootloader entry. so you're bootloadet entries will get a bit crowded21:39:22
@arianvp:matrix.orgArian the nixos-install command has a --no-bootloader flag 21:40:12
@arianvp:matrix.orgArian * the nixos-install command has a --no-bootloader flag. 21:40:15
@genofire:matrix.sum7.eugenofirehttps://nixos.wiki/wiki/NixOS_on_ZFS <- yes this docu does not lock fresh - there are noauto mount flags as replace for legacy as example21:41:24
@arianvp:matrix.orgArian so I think it'll work if you have systemd-boot and set systemd-boot in your nixos config, and then do the installation with --no-bootloader 21:42:05
@genofire:matrix.sum7.eugenofireokay, that information is really nice - with bootloader entries ;)21:42:07
@genofire:matrix.sum7.eugenofiresounds like a solution which fit my purpose ;)21:42:45
@arianvp:matrix.orgArianno problem. have fun hacking21:43:02
@genofire:matrix.sum7.eugenofirei believe i will ;)21:43:23
@genofire:matrix.sum7.eugenofireis there a nixos-container flag, which create a new zfs dataset for the container?21:45:35
@genofire:matrix.sum7.eugenofiregood weekend - maybe till in a few days ;)22:10:36
3 Oct 2021
In reply to @arianvp:matrix.org
the nixos-install command has a --no-bootloader flag.
That does not generate Boot entries ...
@genofire:matrix.sum7.eugenofireAfter setting up luks manual - was not detected ... it works13:05:02

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