
NixOS Matrix Discussion

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Discuss your proposals for the Matrix space here, before suggesting them in #matrix-suggestions:nixos.org117 Servers

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29 Jun 2021
@infinisil:matrix.orginfinisilThough from https://github.com/NixOS/rfcs 's diagrams I think deciding on a shepherd team should be before the full discussion00:48:06
@infinisil:matrix.orginfinisilkity: I think interested parties should reach out to find shepherds, and then to the steering comitee to appoint them as such00:49:09
@infinisil:matrix.orginfinisilAt that point the shepherd team can independently meet and decide on whether to accept/reject the RFC00:49:32
@hexa:lossy.networkhexathis is about the matrix rfc? we are a steering committee, we've met once, haven't found another time slot to meet again yet02:44:54
@hexa:lossy.networkhexa * this is about the matrix rfc? a shepard team exists, we've met once, haven't found another time slot to meet again yet02:45:13
@infinisil:matrix.orginfinisilUm, I can't matrix from weechat anymore :/16:52:55
18:54 -- matrix: Connecting to matrix.org:443 (SSL)...
18:54 -- matrix: Doing SSL handshake...
18:54 -- matrix: Connected using TLSv1.3, and 256 bit TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 cipher suite.
18:54 -- matrix: received certificate
18:54  - certificate info:
18:54     - subject: commonName=www.matrix.org, serial number
18:54         03DDC551A1E62B3382B43F284C33E5F96C17
18:54     - issuer: countryName=US, organizationName=Let's Encrypt,
18:54         commonName=R3
18:54     - key info: RSA key 4096 bits, signed using
18:54         sha256WithRSAEncryption
18:54     - period of validity:
18:54         Begins on:  Jun 12 02:08:30 2021 GMT
18:54         Expires on: Sep 10 02:08:29 2021 GMT
18:54     - fingerprints:
18:54         SHA1:   38:6A:A4:0B:9D:90:93:D5:0A:8E:37:D1:7E:E1:5E:F0:1C:B8:0D:5D
18:54         SHA256: EF:C2:A1:A9:EF:36:AA:6E:93:38:26:3F:9D:79:4B:3A:12:3B:20:96:15:31:D6:DE:91:34:C9:06:2C:74:10:F8
18:54 -- matrix: Logging in...
18:54 -- matrix: Logged in as @infinisil:matrix.org
18:54 =!= matrix: Error: SyncError: 200 unknown error
18:54 -- matrix: disconnected from server
18:54 -- matrix: reconnecting to server in 10 seconds
@infinisil:matrix.orginfinisil 200 unknown error..? 16:55:16
@infinisil:matrix.orginfinisilI did see this: https://twitter.com/matrixdotorg/status/140987399245496730416:57:30
@infinisil:matrix.orginfinisilI notably didn't change the client config whatsoever, so I'm really suspecting the server17:00:47
@infinisil:matrix.orginfinisilA good signal that I probably shouldn't be using matrix.org! (as a homeserver)17:01:43
@infinisil:matrix.orginfinisilChanging the homeserver for your nick is not really possible at the moment though, right?17:08:54
@infinisil:matrix.orginfinisilSo it will be a bit annoying to do that17:09:21
In reply to @infinisil:matrix.org
Changing the homeserver for your nick is not really possible at the moment though, right?
Yep, and probably won't be for a while
@balsoft:balsoft.rubalsoftFor now there's a tool that does something similar18:33:37
@balsoft:balsoft.rubalsoft https://ems.element.io/tools/matrix-migration 18:33:53
@balsoft:balsoft.rubalsoft(I have never used it though)18:34:11
@kity:kity.wtfashit's somewhat limited though18:36:07
@timdeh:matrix.orgnrdxpI tried it once for a client, it mostly worked, but it didn't migrate a few of his rooms iirc18:37:07
@fortuneteller2k:matrix.orgfortuneteller2k changed their profile picture.18:54:34
30 Jun 2021
@colemickens:matrix.orgcolemickens 🏳️‍🌈 So how much of a pain has running :nixos.org been so far? I assume registration were never enabled, etc? 00:21:38
@dandellion:dodsorf.asDandellionnixos.org is ran by https://ems.element.io/ and regisration was never enabled00:24:53
@colemickens:matrix.orgcolemickens 🏳️‍🌈Oh. Nice.00:43:36
@colemickens:matrix.orgcolemickens 🏳️‍🌈So... presumably "very low"? hopefully?00:43:47
@colemickens:matrix.orgcolemickens 🏳️‍🌈It's unlikely I'd be scared away from Matrix regardless, but the two Mozilla blog posts about their HS were very interesting to me.00:44:15
@dandellion:dodsorf.asDandellionthe gnome blog posts are also good read on that topic00:46:25
@colemickens:matrix.orgcolemickens 🏳️‍🌈:/ I think that's what I meant? Now I should go check.00:50:02
@dandellion:dodsorf.asDandellionI hadnt heard of mozilla having trouble with marix so you probably did mean that come to think of it00:51:20
@fzakaria:matrix.orgfzakariaThe distinction between Nix/Nixpkgs and Nix/NisOS is challenging03:30:26
@fzakaria:matrix.orgfzakariaI see "Dev" being development of the tools but maybe "Nix" should have "User" ? The challenging part is that Nix kind of blurs Dev and User lol03:30:56

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