
NixOS Matrix Discussion

304 Members
Discuss your proposals for the Matrix space here, before suggesting them in #matrix-suggestions:nixos.org109 Servers

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23 Jul 2021
@grahamc:nixos.org@grahamc:nixos.org hrm I tried to add a URL parameter to the community room's avatar but it breaks the rendering: "avatar": "mxc://nixos.org/721c442bc81f9fedaeada3ad89af693666619889?autogenerated=1" 16:11:43
In reply to @grahamc:nixos.org
hrm I tried to add a URL parameter to the community room's avatar but it breaks the rendering: "avatar": "mxc://nixos.org/721c442bc81f9fedaeada3ad89af693666619889?autogenerated=1"
I wonder if the mimetype is preserved - in that case you could use a parameter there? 🤔
@schnecfk:ruhr-uni-bochum.deCRTified Looks like it is preserved - both in the event (where you can supply it under the info->mimetype key), and when uploading the image (in that case it's the Content-Type header) 16:36:09
Download image.png
@schnecfk:ruhr-uni-bochum.deCRTifiedThe HTTP header is actually perserved across servers 🤔16:36:43
@schnecfk:ruhr-uni-bochum.deCRTified * The HTTP header is actually perserved across homeservers 🤔16:36:46
Download new.png

That's generated by

#! /usr/bin/env nix-shell
#! nix-shell -i sh -p inkscape

val=$(echo "Let's test it" | sha512sum -)
echo $color1
echo $color2
cat nix-snowflake.svg \
    | sed "s/7EBAE4/${color1}/gi" \
    | sed "s/5277C3/${color2}/gi" \
    | inkscape -z -w 128 --pipe -o new.png
@schnecfk:ruhr-uni-bochum.deCRTified (Using the nix-snowflake.svg from https://github.com/NixOS/nixos-artwork/tree/master/logo ) 17:03:29

If you want to keep some reference to the room name: This will use the first letter of the second word and write it in there, too:

#! /usr/bin/env nix-shell
#! nix-shell -i sh -p inkscape imagemagick

INPUT="Nix Matrix Discussion"
LETTER=$(echo "$INPUT" | awk '{print $2}' | head -c1)

val=$(echo "$INPUT" | sha512sum -)

cat nix-snowflake.svg \
    | sed "s/7EBAE4/${color1}/gi" \
    | sed "s/5277C3/${color2}/gi" \
    | inkscape -z -w 256 --pipe --export-type=png --export-filename=-\
    | convert png:- -font "DejaVu-Sans-Bold" -gravity center \
	      -pointsize 128 -fill "#${color3}" -stroke "#${color4}" -strokewidth 4 -annotate 0 "$LETTER" \
@kevincox:matrix.orgkevincoxWe should also consider overlaying a word or too if we want to get fancy 🙂17:19:29
Download new.png
@kevincox:matrix.orgkevincoxYou read my mind :) 17:19:40
@schnecfk:ruhr-uni-bochum.deCRTifiedWould give e.g. this17:19:42
@schnecfk:ruhr-uni-bochum.deCRTifiednot the prettiest color combination, but it should be easier to identify that way :D17:20:07
@grahamc:nixos.org@grahamc:nixos.orgit might "encourage" people to come up with other ones17:27:55
@schnecfk:ruhr-uni-bochum.deCRTifiedAlternatively one could stick to the nix logo colors for the letter 🤔 17:32:46
Download new.png

That was generated by

#! /usr/bin/env nix-shell
#! nix-shell -i sh -p inkscape imagemagick

INPUT="Nix Matrix Discussion"
LETTER=$(echo "$INPUT" | awk '{print $2}' | head -c1)

val=$(echo "$INPUT" | sha512sum -)
color3="7EBAE4" # ${val:6:3} # Color for Letter
color4="5277C3" # Outline for Letter

cat nix-snowflake.svg \
    | sed "s/7EBAE4/${color1}/gi" \
    | sed "s/5277C3/${color2}/gi" \
    | inkscape -z -w ${SIZE} --pipe --export-type=png --export-filename=-\
    | convert png:- -font "$FONT" -gravity center \
	      -pointsize "$(($SIZE / 3))" -fill "#${color3}" -stroke "#${color4}" -strokewidth 3 -annotate 0 "$LETTER" \

@grahamc:nixos.org@grahamc:nixos.orgI've put up the samueldr-signal to get some feedback17:33:04

CRTified: what I heard back is two-fold:

  1. the geometric logos are more unique in shape, color, pattern
  2. the differently colored NixOS logos is a bit strange because it creates a ton of not-quite-the-logo logos

I'm inclined to go with the purely geometric ones

@grahamc:nixos.org@grahamc:nixos.org *

CRTified: what I heard back is two-fold:

  1. the geometric logos are more unique in shape, color, pattern
  2. the differently colored NixOS logos are a bit strange because it creates a ton of not-quite-the-logo logos

I'm inclined to go with the purely geometric ones

@schnecfk:ruhr-uni-bochum.deCRTifiedYea, was just an idea that I had and hacked together18:23:41
@sumner:sumnerevans.comsumnerI think it's a cool idea, but it's a bit extra IMO.18:25:24
@kevincox:matrix.orgkevincoxMaybe something more subtle would be a black logo on top of a random colour? But that may not provide as much differentiation.18:27:05
@grahamc:nixos.org@grahamc:nixos.orggood idea on adding autogenerated to the content-type, I've done so: https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/nixos.org/7ddbde62f62810a7c9eaabfd0a11ef1ce4d87ef218:34:03
@ma27:nicht-so.sexyma27 joined the room.19:14:21
@infinisil:matrix.orginfinisilHaving a hard time finding things again in Matrix20:16:47
@infinisil:matrix.orginfinisilIn IRC where I had text-based logs I could just grep for stuff20:17:00

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