
NixOS Gaming

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10 Aug 2021
@tim140123:matrix.orgBramfatur joined the room.19:26:04
@_xmpp_aszlig=40aszlig.net:matrix.orgaszlig left the room.22:43:30
11 Aug 2021
@_xmpp_aszlig=40aszlig.net:matrix.orgaszlig joined the room.08:05:10
In reply to @aanderse:nixos.dev
trying to run a game with wine that i've played in the past
installed it fine, but when i try to run the game now i'm getting a wine popup stating "This game does not support your video card. Please refer to the game's Minimum System Requirements."
it is an older game and a newer video card, so i assume wine is not picking up my video card properly
any advice?
my only hint from the console output: 0050:err:vulkan:get_vulkan_driver Wine was built without Vulkan support.
you could trywine-tkg from here maybe? https://github.com/fufexan/nix-gaming
@fufexan:matrix.orgfufexan working on adding proton-ge to the repo, and maybe a steam-less proton runner 11:19:42
@aanderse:nixos.devaanderse fufexan: ah that looks nice, thanks for mentioning! i especially like the "Game overrides" section - looks like something that plays right into the awesome work philipp has done on star citizen 11:48:52
@fufexan:matrix.orgfufexanhehe, I'd be glad to integrate anything people have or contribute to a bigger gaming on nix project11:53:35
@fufexan:matrix.orgfufexanalso those overrides are currently WIP and something I came up with in a few minutes of tinkering. would be cool to add pre/post run overrides as well11:54:18
@cw:kernelpanic.cafecw (not sticky anymore) changed their display name from cw (? days since last shower) to cw (not sticky anymore).17:56:17
@withoutwithin:matrix.orgXe (xe/they)how should I debug proton games exiting instantly with no real way to figure out why?22:44:54
@jonringer:matrix.orgjonringersteam is supposed to have crash dumps. But it is quite difficult with proton, since it's in a sandbox :(22:45:48
@withoutwithin:matrix.orgXe (xe/they)would using sway and pipewire contribute to that?23:05:35
@kity:kity.wtfash (it/its) 🏳️‍⚧️ Xe (xe/they): you want to grab logs from steam. you can get soldier runtime/pressure vessel logs from .steam/root/steamapps/common/SteamLinuxRuntime_soldier/var/slr-latest.log 23:10:53
@kity:kity.wtfash (it/its) 🏳️‍⚧️ if it's getting into proton, you can set launch options to PROTON_LOG=1 %command% and it'll dump a log in your home directory named steam-<appid>.log 23:11:31
@kity:kity.wtfash (it/its) 🏳️‍⚧️if you launch steam from a terminal (make sure to exit steam entirely beforehand or it'll just activate the current instance instead) you'll get some log output that way23:12:18
@kity:kity.wtfash (it/its) 🏳️‍⚧️i suspect you might be running into the same issue i've been experiencing, which triggers infrequently and clears up after relaunching steam. i haven't really had the energy to try and reproduce or debug it23:13:39
@kity:kity.wtfash (it/its) 🏳️‍⚧️and definitely make sure your nixpkgs is up to date. we redistribute the steam runtime ourselves (which doesn't affect the steam runtime pressure-vessel distribution, but it does affect steam itself and the environment pressure-vessel runs in) and sometimes if that's out of date it gets nasty23:17:16
@_xmpp_aszlig=40aszlig.net:matrix.orgaszlig left the room.23:20:06
@kity:kity.wtfash (it/its) 🏳️‍⚧️ oh, and something i learned recently is if you have your steam library on an ntfs drive mounted with the windows_names option, proton won't work 23:26:31
@kity:kity.wtfash (it/its) 🏳️‍⚧️(auto mounted drives using udisks or gvfs or whatever the fuck have this option by default)23:27:33
@kity:kity.wtfash (it/its) 🏳️‍⚧️ if you have that issue, you need to also delete the broken wineprefixes in your .steam/root/steamapps/compatdata after fixing the mount options 23:28:12
12 Aug 2021
@_xmpp_aszlig=40aszlig.net:matrix.orgaszlig joined the room.06:47:04
@_xmpp_aszlig=40aszlig.net:matrix.orgaszlig left the room.06:47:07
@nullrequest:matrix.orgnullrequest joined the room.09:49:25
@_xmpp_aszlig=40aszlig.net:matrix.orgaszlig joined the room.10:20:24
@_xmpp_aszlig=40aszlig.net:matrix.orgaszlig left the room.10:26:27
@_xmpp_aszlig=40aszlig.net:matrix.orgaszlig joined the room.10:29:57
@gilganix:matrix.org-(𝕂eloτ)-Xmonad users + league of legends players, does the game launch for you or does it break like it does for me?19:12:35
@gilganix:matrix.org-(𝕂eloτ)-Trying to determine where the issue lies atm19:12:49
13 Aug 2021
@nixinator:nixos.devnixinator joined the room.01:57:45

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