
Nix Haskell

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For discussions and questions about Haskell with Nix, cabal2nix and haskellPackages in nixpkgs | Current Docs: https://haskell4nix.readthedocs.io/ | More Nix: #community:nixos.org | More Haskell: #haskell-space:matrix.org131 Servers

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2 Jun 2021
In reply to @Las:matrix.org
How is https://github.com/haskell-gi/haskell-gi/issues/329 going to be dealt with?
Do you think there is anything we could reasonably prepare? If not we would probably default to dealing with breakages when they get introduced by the auto update. In general I just hope that once haskell-gi switches to gtk4 we will have support for it in nixpkgs.
@sternenseemann:systemli.orgsterni (he/him)gtk4 is packaged already12:53:57
@Las:matrix.orgLasI was thinking a lot of packages would only work with gi-gtk for gtk312:53:58
@Las:matrix.orgLasso if gi-gtk suddenly becomes gtk4 a lot of packages would break I think12:54:38
@sternenseemann:systemli.orgsterni (he/him)we can just pin the version for the default attribute and override the package that need the newer one manually12:55:11
@sternenseemann:systemli.orgsterni (he/him)but may be a lot of annoying manual effort if they don't split the packages, yes12:55:35
@maralorn:maralorn.demaralornYeah its quite a hazzle because haskell-gi has so many packages 13:15:07
@Las:matrix.orgLasCouldn't cabal2nix see what major revision of gi-gtk a package uses and then either use haskellPackages.gi-gtk3 or haskellPackages.gi-gtk4?13:25:06
@maralorn:maralorn.demaralorn Las: Yeah, that would probably not be very hard. But it might require a dive into the code. 13:27:06
@sternenseemann:systemli.orgsterni (he/him)not a fan of inventing virtual packages ourselves though13:27:36
@Las:matrix.orgLasYou could have a separate package for each major revision of each package to make it orthogonal13:29:39
@Las:matrix.orgLasI imagine it's not just gi-gtk that is problematic13:29:45
@maralorn:maralorn.demaralornWell the general problem is, that the nix derivation of a cabal package has no way to communicate any version bounds.13:29:55
@Las:matrix.orgLas Well I imagine all packages depend on a specific major version 13:30:45
@Las:matrix.orgLasSince they are often incompatible with each other13:30:54
@maralorn:maralorn.demaralornThe question is: Where is the balance between hardcoding that for a certain package or doing it automatically for all packages.13:31:51
@maralorn:maralorn.demaralorn Generally doing that for all packages i.e. let them depend on aeson_1_5 and not on aeson would translate a lot of builderrors into eval errors. Also it would bloat nixpkgs by generating a lot of aliases. 13:35:27
@maralorn:maralorn.demaralornStill having a way to enable that for some packages would grant us a lot of flexibility …13:36:16
@maralorn:maralorn.demaralornBut not even sure if it would solve the haskell-gi problem.13:37:16
@cdepillabout:matrix.orgcdepillaboutThe Haskell team in Nixpkgs will helping people with hacking on Nix-related stuff at ZuriHac this year. The event is online and free, so we'd love to have everyone here participate if you're free: https://discourse.nixos.org/t/nix-and-haskell-at-zurihac-2021/1341714:14:27
@Las:matrix.orgLasIt's a shame that ZuriHac isn't also using Matrix14:36:57
@maralorn:maralorn.demaralorn Las: I have the fear that Matrix wouldn‘t be able to deliver the same voice/video-chat experience. 14:38:01
@Las:matrix.orgLas maralorn: I don't think that's a fear, that's a fact 14:40:16
@Las:matrix.orgLasVideo chat still isn't very well developed on Matrix14:40:28
@Las:matrix.orgLasFor 1-to-1 calls, it's very good though14:40:35
@Las:matrix.orgLasFor multiple people, screen sharing, etc. it's lacking14:40:43
@maralorn:maralorn.demaralornI haven‘t tried for quite a while.14:40:47
@maralorn:maralorn.demaralornOh, yeah. Screen sharing is probably a pain point.14:41:04
@Las:matrix.orgLasJitsi integration is used for it after all14:41:32
@Las:matrix.orgLasI remember reading on HN some comment by Arathorn about them going to do something about it14:42:01

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