

639 Members
Rooms for specific subsystems, architecture targets, and other projects. 202 Servers

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15 May 2024
@raghavsood:matrix.orgraghavsood set a profile picture.08:38:25
16 May 2024
@fricklerhandwerk:matrix.orgfricklerhandwerk joined the room.19:03:11
17 May 2024
@federicodschonborn:matrix.orgFederico Damián Schonborn left the room.10:18:10
@olaf_freund:matrix.orgOlaf Krasicki Freund joined the room.22:47:52
18 May 2024
@easel:matrix.orgeasel set a profile picture.12:27:41
@tim92:matrix.orgtim joined the room.21:01:02
19 May 2024
@thisisliam:matrix.orgThisIsLiam removed their profile picture.08:01:09
@thisisliam:matrix.orgThisIsLiam removed their display name ThisIsLiam.08:01:14
@thisisliam:matrix.orgThisIsLiam left the room.08:01:19
@olafklingt:matrix.orgolaf left the room.22:26:58
20 May 2024
@ckie:ckie.devmei 🌒& changed their display name from ckie (they/them) to mei 🌒&.00:07:44
@federicodschonborn:matrix.orgFederico Damián Schonborn joined the room.01:30:30
@dasaman:matrix.orgGalactus joined the room.02:40:20
@recoup3948:matrix.orgrecoup3948 joined the room.03:30:08
@federicodschonborn:matrix.orgFederico Damián Schonborn changed their profile picture.03:53:57
@achernyak:matrix.orghackeryarn joined the room.16:57:21
@dpjyoo:matrix.orgdpjyoo left the room.18:15:22
@northben:pixelchef.netnorthben joined the room.20:34:13
@crop_tech:matrix.orgcrop joined the room.20:56:50
@kamillaova:matrix.orgKamilla 'ova joined the room.23:23:09
21 May 2024
@bumperboat:matrix.orgbumperboat (UTC+7) changed their display name from bumperboat (UTC+8) to bumperboat (UTC+7).04:34:16
@arianvp:matrix.orgArian joined the room.19:28:42
22 May 2024
@mjolnir:nixos.orgNixOS Moderation Bot banned @5m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.deShane on Conduit.rs ⚡️ and Fractal 🦀️ (Suspended until 2024-05-29).11:45:54
@mjolnir:nixos.orgNixOS Moderation Botchanged room power levels.15:25:54
@mjolnir:nixos.orgNixOS Moderation Botchanged room power levels.15:28:09
@cathalmullan:matrix.orgCathal left the room.15:50:02
@infinidoge:matrix.orgMigrated to @infinidoge:inx.moe changed their display name from Infinidoge to Migrated to @infinidoge:inx.moe.21:36:35
@infinidoge:inx.moeMigrated to @infinidoge:inx.moe joined the room.22:02:57
@infinidoge:matrix.orgMigrated to @infinidoge:inx.moe left the room.22:25:08
@infinidoge:inx.moeMigrated to @infinidoge:inx.moe changed their display name from Infinidoge 🏳️‍⚧️ to Migrated to @infinidoge:inx.moe.22:35:31

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