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6 Sep 2021
@kranzes:matrix.orgkranzesDid i miss anything?20:24:56
@danielrf:matrix.orgdanielrfLooks good to me!20:26:41
@kranzes:matrix.orgkranzes danielrf you told me before that you ran a boringssl test on the image that worked, could you explain to me how you did that? 22:23:06
@danielrf:matrix.orgdanielrf I was just messing around, and I'm not sure it proves anything, but I extracted the filesystem from the system.img, and ran a command like qemu-aarch64 system/apex/com.android.runtime/bin/linker64 $(pwd)/system/bin/boringssl_self_test64 22:27:16
@danielrf:matrix.orgdanielrfI also had to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include some other libs so the dynamic linker would work22:27:54
In reply to @danielrf:matrix.org
I was just messing around, and I'm not sure it proves anything, but I extracted the filesystem from the system.img, and ran a command like qemu-aarch64 system/apex/com.android.runtime/bin/linker64 $(pwd)/system/bin/boringssl_self_test64
Could you try running that on one of the failed zips?
@kranzes:matrix.orgkranzesTo see if the test passes on images that boot and if it fails on images that don't boot22:31:40
@danielrf:matrix.orgdanielrfI already tried that, and I didn't get any obvious error on either of them22:33:20
@kranzes:matrix.orgkranzesSo the results are meaningless right 22:44:00
Download Screenshot_20210907-014426936.jpg
@kranzes:matrix.orgkranzesStill building 22:44:40
7 Sep 2021
@kranzes:matrix.orgkranzes danielrf Booted correctly 00:41:20
@kranzes:matrix.orgkranzesCurrently using it00:41:33
@kranzes:matrix.orgkranzesWhat do you think it is?00:41:55
@danielrf:matrix.orgdanielrfwow! It still seems surprising that any of the things you'd commented out could cause that00:41:59
@danielrf:matrix.orgdanielrftbh, I still have no idea. If you want to keep tracking it down I'd start uncommenting those things until it breaks again00:42:27
Download Screenshot_20210907-034232893.jpg
@kranzes:matrix.orgkranzesRobotnix built chromium00:42:59
@kranzes:matrix.orgkranzesShould i start by re-enabling reproduiibility fixes?00:44:07
@kranzes:matrix.orgkranzesOr maybe the APEX stuff00:44:28
@danielrf:matrix.orgdanielrfLets try the reproducibility fixes first00:44:59
@kranzes:matrix.orgkranzesThere's also the vendor one00:45:19
@kranzes:matrix.orgkranzesI also doubt this is causeing issues 00:45:50
@kranzes:matrix.orgkranzesenvVars.RELEASE_TYPE = mkDefault "EXPERIMENTAL";00:45:53
@kranzes:matrix.orgkranzesOk ill get back to building 00:46:42
@kranzes:matrix.orgkranzesThen go to sleep 00:46:47
@danielrf:matrix.orgdanielrfHappy we were able to get a working build for you at least with a limited number of possible causes for the bootloop. Good night!00:47:57

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